
Gammadyne Scratchboard 36.0

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Gammadyne Scratchboard 36.0

Gammagyne Scratchboard是一款独特新颖的树型文本编辑软件,可以将文本输入树的每个分支,并通过简单的双击将其复制到剪贴板。这使得Scratchboard非常适合快速填写表格。除了一系列文本编辑工具外,Scratchboard还支持全局搜索和替换,加密,密码保护,书签,拼写检查等等。

File Size: 31 MB

The average savvy Internet user amasses countless user names, passwords, links, contacts, account numbers, PIN’s, software keys, and who knows what else. Scratchboard is a secure vault for this kind of information.

Data is arranged in a “tree” structure, just like a hard drive. Text can be entered into each branch of the tree, and copied to the clipboard with a simple double-click. This makes Scratchboard perfect for quickly filling out forms. In addition to an arsenal of text editing tools, Scratchboard supports password protection, encryption, spell checking, global search and replace, bookmarking, and much more.

It’s time to stop using scraps of paper. It’s time to get organized with Scratchboard!

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