
FINE/Open with OpenLabs 4.3 Win/Linux

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FINE/Open with OpenLabs 4.3

FINE/Open:非结构网格CFD 求解器。该模块的独特性在于:她所采用的网格全是六面体的非结构网格(这是目前最先进的方法之一);自动自适应的多重网格求解器。

FINETM/Open 软件通过求解基于密度的全可压缩三维雷诺平均NS方程来模拟流场,广泛用于各种低速、亚音速、跨音速、超音速及高超音速流动的模拟。该软件拥有先进的前后处理模块、丰富的湍流模型,先进的全多重网格加速技术Agglomeration及强化隐式加速收敛技术CPU Booster等创新性技术,使其在行业内具有明显的优势。



  • 针对复杂几何(包括旋转机械)与AutoGridTM分块结构化网格的完全兼容性
  • 全二阶精度空间/时间离散格式
  • 多种湍流模型(S-A, SARC, K-e和SST)以及LES、DES等
  • Agglomeration全多重网格加速技术,比采用传统的Hierachy方法速度提高约4-8倍
  • CPU Booster强化隐式加速收敛技术、可将CFL数推至1000
  • 流程自适应求解技术
  • 先进的低速预处理方法
  • 常用的流体物性数据库以及用户自定义功能
  • MpCCI流固耦合分析模块
  • 共轭传热/燃烧/多孔介质模块
  • 强大的TaskManager多任务管理功能
  • 优秀的并行加速功能
  • 自动化和集成化的后处理,CFViewTM


FINETM/Open 覆盖了大量的应用领域,如飞行器(包括附体),旋转机械(涡轮叶片冷却)、汽车空气动力学和环境流动等。

FINE/Open with OpenLabs 4.3 | 4.7 Gb

NUMECA International, leading developer and provider of CFD software systems for the multi-physics design simulation and optimization of industrial products and processes, announced NUMECA FINE/Open with OpenLabs 4.3, is a powerful CFD Flow Integrated Environment dedicated to complex internal and external flows.

FINE/Open with OpenLabs solves any flow, from incompressible to low and high speed flows. It combines completely unstructured hexahedral grids with an efficient preconditioned compressible solver with fast agglomerated multigrid acceleration and adaptation techniques.

FINE/Open with OpenLabs allows users to freely develop and exchange physical models in CFD, with a new open approach to CFD. Complex programming tasks are avoided through the usage of an easy meta-language.

FINE/Open with OpenLabs 4.3

Several improvements have been introduced to ease your daily work with FINE/Open with OpenLabs such as: 

– Interactive and user-friendly 2D domain creation in HEXPRESS
– HEXPRESS/Hybrid introduces conformal multiblock meshing
– Possibility to insert the viscous layers on selected surfaces without propagating them to the neighboring selections in HEXPRESS/Hybrid
– FINE/Open introduces multi-rank nonlinear harmonic method
– The output by the flow solver has been improved, allowing the user to output all results for CFView into one single file
– FINE/Open introduces primary atomization and secondary breakup in the Lagrangian module
– Much faster post processing of the results with the possibility to launch CFView in parallel
– Possibility to compare two different projects and to match the colormap ranges easily in CFView
– Possibility to compute the meridional averaged solution for unstructured projects in CFView

FINE/Open with OpenLabs 4.3

About Numeca International Inc.

NUMECA International SA develops computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software for the simulation, design, and optimization of fluid flow and heat transfer worldwide. It offers automated and customized flow integrated environments (FINE), including FINE/Turbo for the simulation of rotating and turbomachinery flows; FINE/Open for the simulation of complex internal and external applications; and FINE/Marine for marine applications.

Version: 4.3 with OpenLabs
Home: http://www.numeca.com
Interface: english
OS: Windows 7 / 8 and Linux 64bit
Size: 4.7 Gb

Special Thanks TeAM SOlidSQUAD-SSQ

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