
Delcam Crispin ShoeCost 2015 R2 SP4

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Delcam Crispin ShoeCost 2015 R2 SP4

鞋业数字化 CAD/CAM 全面解决方案
CRISPIN ShoeCost 成本核算

RISPIN ShoeCost 易学易用,可提供快速准确的成本核算,提供真皮材料 Parallelogram, SLM 和 Collective 算法。用户可自定义系数获取皮料成本或平均尺寸,同时合成革算料可根据单张或成卷材料核算实际成本。可将鞋子部件添加到详细的材料单中,同时人力成本和营运成本也可添加到核算,从而计算出整双鞋的成本。

 ShoeCost可采用多种用量计算方法,如:平行四边形法,最小轮廓法,最小矩形法,全自动排版法,交互排版法。ShoeCost可以让用户根据自已的需要定义出最适合自已的排版模式,通过设定好材料规格, 可以对多个号码一键同时进行排版,并且可对相同部件使用材料的不同进行归类排版。ShoeCost针对已计算完毕的档案,可实时根据板师样板的改动而自动重新核算,大大减少反复算料时间。



● 基于多种套划方式的快速成本核算

● 自动套划效率计算

● 获取最合理的部件套划方式、最小化客户成本

● 真皮材料 Parallelogram, SLM 和 Collective 算法

● 投入生产前评估生产操作成本

● 用户化定制安全选项

● 材料、零件和操作库

● 快速获取不同材料的成本结果

● 支持多种货币


● 易学易用

● 详细的在线帮助

● 用户化定制

● 任何鞋类型和尺寸成本计算

● 劳工和操作成本核算,材料清单管理

● 自动 / 手工平行四边形套划和合成材料套划

● 可通过打印机 / 切割机输出

● 能输入 DXF 格式,扫描仪,或 Engineer 输出的数据

● 全部的成本计算报告可以用 ASCII 和 Excel 表格输出

● 数据库无缝连接

Delcam Crispin ShoeCost 2015 R2 SP4 | 182.6 mb

Delcam CRISPIN has updated the 2015 release of its Crispin ShoeCost software for the complete footwear costing package provides the tools you need to appropriately cost your design every time.

ShoeCost provides a clear breakdown of all the costs involved in footwear manufacture, making it easy to compare the actual cost of the shoe to the target cost. Costs can be included for cut pattern pieces and components, as well as for labour and overheads. The overall cost for the shoe changes dynamically when the simple drag and drop functionality is used to add or remove elements of the design, such as pattern pieces and components. This makes it easy for footwear professionals to stay within their target cost and to produce accurate costing reports quickly.

Delcam Crispin ShoeCost 2015 R2 SP4

About Delcam plc

Delcam is a world-leading developer and supplier of advanced CADCAM software, with more than 35,000 customers in over 80 countries. These clients vary from global names like Nike, Boeing and Mattel to small start-ups and individual craftsmen. Founded 30 years ago, we are the largest developer of product development software in the UK, with subsidiaries in Europe, America and Asia. Our global success has been recognised with many awards, including three Queen’s Awards for Enterprise in the last six years.

Name: Delcam Crispin ShoeCost
Version: 2015 R2 SP4 (version 15227)
Home: http://www.delcam.com
Interface: multilanguage
OS: Windows 7even / 8
Size: 182.6 mb

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