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《乌拉尔山》是一款拥有强烈恐怖色彩的探险游戏,该游戏灵感来源于一个俄罗斯的真实事件。有九名俄罗斯学生在乌拉尔山以北,名为Kholat Syakhi的山坡上离奇死亡,至今不明原因,该事件也被后人称为迪亚特洛夫事件,很多人对该事件仍然心有余悸。

Description: Narrated by one of the most popular British actors, Sean Bean, Kholat is an exploration adventure game with elements of horror, inspired by a true event known as the Dyatlov Pass incident – a mysterious death of nine Russian hikers, which led to countless, unconfirmed hypotheses. The player will plunge directly into the boundless scenery of the inhospitable Ural Mountains with the task to find out what really happened. In the course of events, you may come across more speculations than expected…


  • stunning art design
  • immersive exploration experience
  • sophisticated music and sounds
  • chilling atmosphere and tension
  • self made story inspired by true events
  • main storyline and a lot of background plot to be discovered by players
  • non-linear open world
  • in-game navigation by map and compass
  • powered by Unreal Engine 4
  • challenging exploration
  • estimated game length: 4 – 6 hours

Developer: IMGN.PRO
Publisher: IMGN.PRO
Genre: Adventure, Indie

Release Name: Kholat-CODEX
Size: 3.4 GB
Links: NFO

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