
Ironclad Tactics Deluxe Edition-PROPHET

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还记得非常优秀的益智游戏《太空化学(SpaceChem)》吗?这不开发者Zach和他的工作室准备带来一款新游戏,《铁甲战术(Ironclad Tactics)》。

《铁甲战术(Ironclad Tactics)》是一款即时的卡牌战斗游戏,背景设定在美国南北战争期间,类似于植物大战僵尸的横版战场,利用点数合理并巧妙地换取卡牌最终击败对手。


1. 战役的剧情将会以精美的插图配上互动画面的小说来展示给玩家

2. 玩家可以在战役收集不同的卡牌,并组建自己的牌堆

3. 可以跟朋友合作,或者对抗,有2种模式,分别为遭遇战和nemesis模式

Ironclad Tactics is a fast-paced, card-based tactics game set in an alternate history Civil War – with steam-powered military robots!Key Features: No microtransactions! Unlock cards by playing the game, not by purchasing them separately.

The digital deluxe edition of Ironclad Tactics includes: 

  • The Rise of Dmitry, the first add-on campaign for Ironclad Tactics. Explore the backstory of Dmitry, and unlock his fearsome army by completing new missions against new foes. Also included is the “Fort Phantom Ridge” gauntlet mission, a six-stage battle set in Dmitry’s greatest factory-fort.
  • Blood and Ironclads, the upcoming add-on campaign for Ironclad Tactics about the Franco-Prussian war… with ironclads! (Unlocked when released.)
  • A high-quality digital artbook with concept art, designs, and commentary from the Zachtronics team.
  • A printable papercraft model of an ironclad that you can print out and assemble.
  • The Ironclad Tactics OST, with music by Evan Le Ny and Farewell to the Woods.
  • A giftable copy of SpaceChem
  • A giftable copy of SpaceChem: 63 Corvi

Publisher: Zachtronics
Developer: Zachtronics
Genre: Casual, Indie, Strategy

Release name: Ironclad.Tactics.Deluxe.Edition-PROPHET
Size: 1.27GB
Links: SteamNFO

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