
Dungeon of The Endless PROPER-PROPHET

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来自巴黎的策略游戏开发商Amplitude Studios公布了其新作《无尽地牢》(Dungeon of the Endless)的一部预告片。这部游戏将在下周开幕的科隆国际游戏展上公布。这家开发商开发过回合制4X游戏《无尽太空》,这部《无尽地牢》看上去像一部复古风格的太空惊悚游戏。游戏采用unity3d游戏引擎开发,是一款支持PC及苹果Mac平台的网游,游戏主人公及所属军团找到一艘被摧毁的飞艇上发现了侏罗纪时代的恐龙DNA,族人开始通过一系列事件和行动去追寻本族人的起源以及被摧毁的飞艇上到底发了什么。

总的来说无尽地牢(Dungeon of the Endless)是一款roguelike类,混杂了塔防和RPG元素的游戏,它将于明天12月12号以抢先体验的身份登陆Steam,并有25%OFF的优惠,Alpha: Pixel Pack 为8.99欧而Founder Pack为14.25欧。

Description: A few hundred condemned criminals were being shipped to the Auriga system on board the prison hulk “Success”. While this was presented as a chance to earn back their place in society by working hard for the common good, they understood that in fact they would be slave labour, sent to colonize an unexplored planet. All they knew about Auriga Prime was what the probes told them: it had water, temperate zones, plant life, and plenty of metals in the crust.

In fact, the planet Auriga once hosted a major settlement of the galaxy-travelling ancestors known as the Endless. In addition, the planet was still orbited by a functioning (and well cloaked) defensive system, which sprang eagerly to life upon the arrival of the Success. Within a few minutes, the ship was nothing but a few large chunks of metal falling toward the planet.


  • Form a team of heroes, each with their own strengths (and psychoses)… or die
  • Equip them, deploy them, and earn powerful abilities… or die
  • Manage the balance between ex-prison inmates and guards… or die
  • Experience four player coop and watch your back… or die

Genre: Adventure, Indie, RPG, Strategy
Developer: AMPLITUDE Studios
Publisher: AMPLITUDE Studios

Release Name: Dungeon.of.The.Endless.PROPER-PROPHET
Size: 422MB
Links: Homepage – Steam – NFO

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