
7 Mages-HI2U

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《七法师(7 Mages)》是Napoleon Games, s.r.o.制作发行的一款角色扮演游戏。故事发生在魔法时代,Roven岛的居民由于饱受野蛮人强盗的欺凌,决定用它们最后的财产聘请法师团保卫岛屿的和平。主角率领七法师团队与邪恶的野蛮人团伙以及怪物进行作战。玩家可以在游戏中解决谜题并对抗地下城中的怪物,搜集这里的战利品。玩家可以单独控制法师团中的成员,也可以集合他们的力量进行战斗,而一部分的谜题也需要多名法师同时解决,才可以顺利过关。

Description: The oppressed peasants on Roven Island hire seven mages to protect their homes and crops.

The legendary Roven Island is said to be the place where the gods rested after they created the world. The earth, water and air there are still imbued with magic, which lures magic prospectors. These prospectors conduct savage raids at regular intervals on one of the unnamed villages on the island, robbing the hard-working peasants of most of their harvest. And so, one day, the peasants put together the last of their coin and hire the mages to protect them.

The epic RPG 7 Mages in the tradition of the greatest classics of the genre takes you around the magical island of Roven. You will visit gloomy crypts beneath the city, cross an icy mountain pass, submerge beneath the surface of the ocean and venture into the guts of a dead dragon. And lots more too! The game offers unique and very tactical turn-based combat with the option to split up your team, use combat magic, elemental magic and all-new musical magic.

  • A fantasy game reworking of the legendary movies Seven Samurai and The Magnificent Seven
  • 14 fantastic environments
  • More than 30 types of enemy, most of them bringing new elements into combat
  • Highly tactical turn-based combat with the option to split up your team
  • 60 combat, elemental and musical spells
  • Original puzzles on each new level

Genre: RPG
Developer: Napoleon Games, s.r.o.
Publisher: Napoleon Games, s.r.o.

Release Name: 7.Mages-HI2U
Size: 2,84 GB
Links: STEAM | NFO

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