
Unity Asset – World Creator Professional

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Unity Asset – World Creator Professional

Title: Unity Asset – World Creator Professional


This extension requires one license per seat
Requires Unity 5.3.2 or higher.
World Creator is a professional procedural terrain and landscape generator which implements the most advanced procedural techniques to deliver the most realistic terrains ever seen in games, movies and artwork!

Its predecessor is the well known generator called GeoControl which has been utilized by many game and movie companies.

Most Advanced Terrain Generation
Generate any kind of terrain you can imagine. Hills, mountains, ridged mountains, terraces, canyons, moons, deserts, straight hills, plains, asteroid, sand dunes and many more. World Creator ships with many filters that can be applied and combined to create an unlimited range of possible terrain types. Each filter has multiple settings you can adjust, each affecting the resulting terrain. Those filters can be applied within a specified terrain height or terrain slope giving you full control during design process.

Enhance Existing Terrain
Import height maps or existing Unity terrains and let World Creator make them look real. It is just one click and you transform a low resolution terrain to a high resolution real looking terrain. You even can affect the shape itself for stunning artistic effects.

Use high quality textures to colorize your terrain artificially depending on terrain slope, height, mask, cavity, sun direction, sea level and other criteria. Manipulate how the textures are combined to achieve AAA visuals. World Creators texturing generator is layer based – no more annoying blending problems!
World Creator Professional ships with 100 royalty-free 1024 by 1024 textures from GameTextures.com, each with specular values encoded in the alpha channel, a normal map and a height / displacement map.

Populate your terrain with trees, plants and other objects using a dedicated artificial generator.
Settings, such as terrain slope, terrain height, masks, cavity, sun direction, sea level and many more can be used to create an amazing natural looking terrain with rich vegetation and many details. You even can tell World Creator to only place objects depending on a specified texture!
World Creator ships with trees from NatureManufacture together with many grass and flower blades which you can use out of the box.

Erosion and Sedimentation
Includes highly customizable Erosion and Sedimentation filters – both fully GPU powered and utilizable during realtime mode. World Creator is one of the first terrain generators that is capable of applying Erosion and Sedimentation in realtime.

Terrain Presets
Every terrain that you create can be stored as a terrain preset which you can share with your friends or sell them inside the asset store.

Texture Masks and Planting Masks
Use masks to specify texturing and planting distribution.

Cavity Dependend Texturing and Object Placement
Describe in-depth where textures and objects should be placed through the cavity functionality with which you can for example select pitholes and more.

Realtime Perlin Noise Generator
Use the integrated realtime Perlin noise generator to create masks while designing the terrain. Those masks can be used to perform texture masking or object placement masking.

Heatmaps are visualisers that help you a lot during design time. Enable them and see which area of the terrain is affected by a given operation such as terrain filter settings, texturing and object placement. In addition they speed>/strong> up the entire generation process!

Height Noise Masks
This kind of masks can be used to create irregular transitions in blending textures at specific heights.

Terrain Masks
Create multiple terrain types on a single terrain map which is a unique feature compared to other terrain generators!

Highspeed GPU Generation
World Creator is definitively one of the fastest terrain generators available as it takes full advantage of the power of your graphics card. Generate huge terrains within milli-seconds.

Realtime Terrain Generation
Switch to realtime mode and see how each slider used to create the terrain shape instantly affects the terrain you see in your viewport. Designing a terrain is fast as only possible and makes pure fun!

Maximum Resolution up to 8192
World Creator pushes Unity’s terrain engine to its limits by enabling you to create terrains with a resolution of 8192 pixels!

… there is so much more …

– CPU Multi-Threading
– 100% Unity terrain, IN and OUT
– Import RAW 8, RAW 16, PNG, JPG files
– Export to OBJ, RAW 8, RAW 16, PNG, JPG files
– Terrain splitting capabilities
– Relief Terrain Pack (link) compatible
– World Streamer (link) compatible
– Support of custom terrain shaders

Upcoming Features
– Tiled support (Professional version only)
– Rivers, lakes and seas
– Export terrain as complete package
– Roads (flattens terrain)
– Further filter packages

What this Package Includes
– World Creator Professional Plugin
– World Creator Filter Pack 1
– World Creator Filter Pack 2
– 7 Heightmaps
– 100 Textures from GameTextures.com
– Full Mountain Trees Pack (7 Trees)
– Full Realistic Tree Pack 1 (43 Trees)
– 8 Noise Textures
– 15 Grass Detail Textures
– 5 Flower Detail Textures

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