
Graphisoft Archicad 20 build 3012 Win/Mac

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ArchiCAD® 是Graphisoft公司为了使建筑师能在三维虚拟建筑模型中全面评估其建筑设计而专业打造的一套虚拟模型解决方案。通过全球十几万用户,一百多万个实际项目的检验,ArchiCAD被证明是建筑师在设计和建造伟大建筑时完全可以信赖的工具。


  • Graphisoft EcoDesigner – 可以让建筑师从ArchiCAD内部使用由StruSoft研发的动态、可靠并经过认证的VIPCore计算引擎快速地对自己的设计方案进行能量评估。建筑能量评估报告提供及时的设计反馈,包括设计项目的建筑结构能效,年度能耗,碳足迹及月度能量平衡等信息。
  • Graphisoft Virtual Building Explorer for ArchiCAD – 是为建筑师提供的一个创新的,交互式的3D展示工具,并为设计沟通与展示设立了一个新的标准。用户、顾问、业主等不需要ArchiCAD或Virtual Building Explorer的许可证就可以在良好的3D浏览环境中全面了解任意设计阶段的情况!
  • Graphisoft MEP Modeler – 使用ArchiCAD的建筑事务所或者建筑/结构综合性事务所中的建筑专业部门可以使用MEP Modeler创建、编辑或导入3D MEP管网(风管、水管及电缆架)并在ArchiCAD虚拟建筑中进行配合。
  • 结构软件 – 现在通过IFC的双向输入/输出功能或原始文件格式,建筑师和结构工程师可以使用同一个虚拟建筑模型。结构工程师可以使用这个模型进行力学分析并自动反映其他专业的设计修改。
  • Artlantis Render/Studio – 快速简洁创建高质量的静态渲染和动画的最佳工具,提供桌面的一键式快速发光设置。
  • Cinema 4D – Maxon公司研发的具有动画和渲染功能的高级自由建模软件。CINEMA 4D直观的交换界面和合理的操作流程能够快速入门并应用。为了确保其创建的自由体能够被我们的用户继续使用,我们提供了一个免费的CINEMA 4D插件使得ArchiCAD 12与C4D 11之间可以进行无缝的数据交换。
  • Google SketchUp – ArchiCAD的这个插件可以使建筑师和业主在新项目的早期设计阶段将精力集中在创造力上,他们的设计可以自动地导入到虚拟建筑环境中。
  • Google Earth Connections – 可以从ArchiCAD直接访问3D Warehouse的必备工具,也可以将你的设计方案展示在Google Earth的虚拟环境中。
  • IFC 开放式标准 – 建筑师可以在ArchiCAD中安心地工作,不必担心于被顾问、客户或使用其它软件的专业所孤立,因为IFC确保了行业间的信息交换。
  • ArchiGlazing – ArchiGlazing是一个让建筑师进行各种玻璃工程设计的插件。可以快速便捷地通过草图创建自定义的窗或者通过各种类型曲线生成垂直或倾斜的玻璃幕墙。
  • ArchiCAD广泛的生产力工具改善了工作流并使你集中精力于创造力上。这里列示的产品可以扩展标准的ArchiCAD功能。

Graphisoft Archicad 20  | 2.9 Gb

GRAPHISOFT, the leading Building Information Modeling (BIM) software developer for architects and designers, announced the latest version of its industry-leading BIM software solution. ARCHICAD 20 features a number of important functional improvements that put the emphasis on the “I” in BIM, increasing the value for both ARCHICAD users and external stakeholders alike. Its brand new, “flat-design” graphical UI sets the new version apart from run-of-the-mill BIM tools.

What’s new in ARCHICAD 20:

Enhanced Information Management

Store the Information: Information is the most valuable part of BIM and ARCHICAD 20 helps architects and designers get the most of it! ARCHICAD 20 allows users to utilize their Building Information Model as the central storage place for all related information. They can even easily store and maintain design information that was not created using CAD or BIM tools, like Excel spreadsheets.
Display the Information: ARCHICAD 20 leverages well-structured information resulting in informative design visualization, which ensures enormous efficiencies throughout design and construction. With the help of smart filters and brand new graphical override, designers can freely change the representation of any 2D and 3D views of elements with similar properties. This feature allows a number of workflows that make communication, coordination and model checking much more efficient.
Share the Information: ARCHICAD 20 is among the first BIM applications to fully support the IFC 4 open-source standard. IFC 4 supports new coordination workflows (Design Transfer View and Reference View) and provides great help when coordinating with other disciplines. Information sharing via purpose-made tools such as BIMx or generic tools such as Excel enables a much wider target group to get involved and use the wealth of information stored in BIM.

Graphical Favorites

Brand new Graphical Favorites provide excellent visual feedback about saved element settings with automatically-generated, colored 2D or 3D thumbnail previews – available instantly for every Tool. This not only helps BIM managers in setting up and enforcing office project templates, but also speeds up everyday design development work.

Renewed Graphical User Interface

ARCHICAD 20 features a completely revamped graphical user interface, making it the most modern-looking BIM application available on the market today. The design language used on the renewed GUI gives ARCHICAD a look and feel much closer to mobile apps than to traditional desktop software, making it especially appealing to the younger generation.


GRAPHISOFT ignited the BIM revolution in 1984 with ARCHICAD, the industry first BIM software for architects. GRAPHISOFT continues to lead the industry with innovative solutions such as its revolutionary BIMcloud, the world’s first real-time BIM collaboration environment; EcoDesigner, the world’s first fully BIM-integrated “GREEN” design solution; and BIMx, the world’s leading mobile app for BIM visualization. GRAPHISOFT is part of the Nemetschek Group.

Name: Graphisoft Archicad
Version: (64bit) 20  (International)
Home: http://www.graphisoft.com
Interface: multilanguage
OS: Windows / MacOsx
Size: 2.9 Gb

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