
Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator-RELOADED

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《史诗战争模拟器(Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator)》是由Brilliant Game Studios制作的一款策略类游戏,游戏中玩家可以让罗马百夫长,中世纪士兵,骑士,兽人,巨魔、鸡等作战,同时给予他们命令。

Here is a sandbox like no other. Create massive battles with absolutely no limits. Want to see 10,000 chickens fight an army of Romans?? Sure, why not. Want to see a company of WW2 U.S soldiers fight 11,000 Medieval soldiers?? There are simply no limits to the carnage you can achieve in UEBS.

Unfortunately there really aren’t many engines that you can chuck 10,000 characters in and expect good performance. This is why I worked months on end to create the most powerful crowd rendering system ever conceived in Unity engine. The detail of each character has little effect on performance while each individual acts independently, but is working towards a greater good for his team. Each individual decides his own path and navigates complex environments. But I didn’t stop there! With the large open environments, I needed a more dynamic lighting solution than the one built in to Unity engine. So I built my own dynamic global illumination lighting engine. This enables bounce light completely in real time. What does that mean? That means every piece of shiny armor is reflecting it’s true surroundings, every bright surfaces illuminates it’s surroundings and effects the overall lighting.

Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie, Simulation, Strategy
Developer: Brilliant Game Studios
Publisher: Brilliant Game Studios

Release name: Ultimate.Epic.Battle.Simulator-RELOADED
Size 2.7GB
Links: SteamNFO

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