
TEKKEN 7 Digital Deluxe Edition MULTi11-P2P

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《铁拳7(Tekken 7)》是由万代南宫梦制作发行的一款3D动作格斗类游戏,是人气格斗系列《铁拳》的最新续作。本作主要为三岛一八与三岛平八之间的仇恨,三岛一八与三岛平八上演了一出“父子情仇”的戏码,首支预告讲述了三岛平八与三岛一八仇恨的由来,三岛一美是三岛一八的母亲,她被三岛平八所杀死,这引起了三岛一八对父亲的仇恨,也激发了其体内的恶魔基因。最终boss为三岛一八的母亲,三岛一美。三岛族的故事也将彻底落下帷幕。

游戏玩法方面,《铁拳7》将拥有被称为“Rage Arts(狂怒艺术)”和“Power Clash(强力冲撞)”的全新系统。“狂怒艺术”系统在游戏角色较量时与他们的健康值紧密相连,当健康值下降至某一数值,角色将进入到一种叫做“Enraged State”的状态,这将依次提升他们的防御力,同时解锁所谓的“狂怒艺术”,这是一种独特的招式,每个角色都不一样。具体怎样操作NBGI并没有详细介绍,根据描述,这可能与《女神异闻录4》中的“觉醒技能”最为相似。


Description: Discover the epic conclusion of the Mishima clan and unravel the reasons behind each step of their ceaseless fight. Powered by Unreal Engine 4, TEKKEN 7 features stunning story-driven cinematic battles and intense duels that can be enjoyed with friends and rivals alike through innovative fight mechanics.

Love, Revenge, Pride. Everyone has a reason to fight. Values are what define us and make us human, regardless of our strengths and weaknesses. There are no wrong motivations, just the path we choose to take.

Expand your fighter’s journey by purchasing the Tekken 7 Season Pass separately and gain access to stunning additional content

Publisher: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
Developer: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment
Genre: Action
Release name: TEKKEN.7.Digital.Deluxe.Edition.MULTi11-P2P

Size: 56.77 GB
Links: Steam

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