Minitab软件,现代质量管理统计的领先者,自1972年创,是为质量改善、教育和研究应用领域提供统计软件和服务的先导。是一个很好的质量管理和质量设计的工具软件,更是持续质量改进的良好工具软件。 MINITAB 统计软件为质量改善和概率应用提供准确和易用的工具。MINITAB 被许多世界一流的公司所采用,包括通用电器、福特汽车、通用汽车、3M、霍尼韦尔、LG、东芝、诺基亚、以及 Six Sigma 顾问公司。作为统计学入门教育方面技术领先的软件包,MINITAB 也被 4,000 多所高等院校所采用。 MINITAB 总部位于State College,PA,USA(美国),在英国和法国设有办事处,在世界各地拥有分销商。MINITAB 包括: 基础和高级统计 回归和方差分析 时间序列 演示质量的图表 模拟和分布 灵活的数据导入、导出和操纵 SPC (Statistical Process Control – 统计过程控制) DOE (Design of Experiments – 试验设计) 可靠性分析 多变量分析 样本量和幂计算 强大的宏语言 。课程介绍 Minitab基础应用培训 实验设计(DOE) 统计过程控制 测量系统分析 假设检验 crystalball与蒙特卡洛分析培训
Minitab是一个软件集成包,由宾州州立大学的研究员Barbara F. Ryan, Thomas A. Ryan, Jr.,和Brian L. JoinerIt于1972年研发而成,最初以OMNITAB(由美国国家标准技术研究所编写的另一个统计分析软件)的简化本出现。
目前,Minitab的应用通常结合一些统计处理方法,如六标准差(Six Sigma), 能力成熟度模型集成(CMMI)等。
该软件的最新的版本Minitab 16提供了六种语言界面,包括英语,法语,德语,西班牙语,汉语和朝鲜语。
Minitab products are uniquely designed to help professionals improve their business processes. Thousands of companies in more than 100 countries choose Minitab. Analyze your data and improve your products and services with the leading statistical software used for quality improvement worldwide. Learn the statistics you need to improve quality and how to analyze your data with Minitab 18 any time you are online. Access all the soft tools you need to execute quality improvement projects in one application.
Updated Session Window
The Session window not only looks better, but it also includes several great enhancements, including the ability to:
Specify the number of significant digits
Easily access graphs via links
Expand and collapse any analysis
Zoom in and out
Sort Worksheets
Easily manage your data within the Project Manager using new options for sorting your worksheets by title or in chronological order.
Definitive Screening Designs
Identify which inputs affect your outputs with this new type of DOE screening design. These designs can provide an alternative to standard screening designs where main effects are confounded with two-way interactions.
More Distributions for Tolerance Intervals
Calculate statistical tolerance intervals for nonnormal data using a wide variety of distributions including Weibull, lognormal, exponential, and more.
REML for Random and Fixed X’s
Explore relationships between variables, run multiple comparisons, and calculate predictions for mixed models.
DOE Effects Plots
Visually identify significant X’s with effects plots for general factorial and response surface designs.
Gage R&R
Incorporate a user-specified process (historical) standard deviation in relevant calculations.
GLM Response Optimizer
Include both your factors and covariates when using the response optimizer to find optimal settings.
Command Line Pane
Enter commands to expand Minitab’s functionality using a docked pane that keeps commands separate from Session output.
Word and Excel Improvements
Import Session output into Word and Excel in table format to easily manipulate and customize the appearance of your results.
Home Page – http://www.minitab.com/
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