JetBrains将Go IDE正式推向市场。现在的产品叫作GoLand,其核心功能面向Go语言。这是他们一贯的风格,比如之前推出了用于Python的PyCharm和用于Ruby的RubyMine。
- 代码辅助:通过分析源代码,提供Go语言代码自动完成、导航、重构和格式化功能。
- 代码编辑器:语法高亮和提示,提高代码的可读性。
- 人体工学式的设计:简洁而高效的界面设计。
- 前端和后端开发:支持前端开发语言和框架,同时提供访问和查询数据库的工具。
- 集成工具:提供了调试器、版本控制工具和测试工具,不需要再单独安装这些插件。
- 插件生态系统:在JetBrains已有的插件生态系统中增加了更多的插件。
GoLand is a new commercial IDE by JetBrains aimed at providing an ergonomic environment for Go development. The new IDE extends the IntelliJ platform with the coding assistance and tool integrations specific for the Go language.
Coding assistance
The IDE analyzes your code, looking for connections between symbols, to provide code completion, quick navigation, clever error analysis, formatting, and refactorings.
Ergonomic design
Together, powerful static code analysis and ergonomic design make development not only productive but also an enjoyable experience.
Integrated tools
Mission-critical tools such as rest-runner, coverage tool, full-featured debugger and version control integration are at hand — no plugin hustle included.
IntelliJ plugin ecosystem
In case you need anything in addition to the already rich set of built-in tools, the IntelliJ plugin ecosystem is there to help you.
System requirements
macOS 10.8.3 or higher
2 GB RAM minimum
4 GB RAM recommended
1024×768 minimum screen resolution
Home Page – https://www.jetbrains.com/go/
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