MacFonts TechFonts包括10个未来样式和数字样式的字体,可用于个人和商业项目,让您在任何地方使用,包括以营利为目的。所有字体都可以在所有应用程序中使用,包括:Quark, Illustrator, Photoshop, Microsoft Office, iLife, iWork, Pixelmator等。
MacFonts – Tech Collection. A premier collection of 10 futuristic and digital style fonts, including a personal AND commercial use license for a single user so you can use the fonts in any home, business or for-profit project. All fonts are available in OpenType format and work in all applications including Quark, Illustrator, Photoshop, Microsoft Office, iLife, iWork, Pixelmator and more.
Requirements: OS X 10.6 or later
App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/macfonts-techfonts/id523132628?mt=12
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