
SpeedTree Modeler 8.4.0 Cinema Edition x64

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File size: 286 MB

SpeedTree Cinema 8 is the latest iteration of our award-winning 3D vegetation modeling software.Formerly Studio, Architect, and Cinema, SpeedTree for VFX is now available with all the features or our top end modeler at a lower price.

PBR Materials and Workflow- Full PBR rendering in the SpeedTree Modeler as well as new editing tools for materials allow artists to fine tune their models before exporting into your DCC.
Branch Extensions- Use child branches to extend their parents, providing greater control and smoother transitions to twigs.
Phyllotaxy Generation Algorithm- New generation algorithm based on how leaves naturally grow on branches.
Mesh Cutout System- Easily cut meshes to the shape of your leaf or cluster using our new mesh editor.
Spine Noise- New property applies late or early noise along the length of the branch or trunk.
Bifurcation Generation Algorithm- New generation algorithm automatically adds new child branches to create natural organic branch structures incredibly quickly.
Leaf Collision- New background running, polygon-accurate tool to automatically remove intersecting leaves or clusters.
Knot Generator- Completely reimagined approach for creating more interesting geometry for knots allows for more interesting gashes, knots, and scars.
Material Sets- Materials can be grouped into sets to allow edits across multiple leaf types or bark textures.
Discrete Season Approach- One .SPM model now uses a season curve to create unique trees at any point in the year.
Faster AO Computation- New algorithm computes per-vertex AO on complex models in a fraction of the time.
Interval Generation Algorithm– New algorithm that places branches in a set interval.
Aspect Ratio Correct Mapping– Use a new UV mapping style to automatically tile textures based on their aspect ratio and that of the underlying geometry.
Knockout and Pruning– Procedural tools for eliminating clutter, especially interior portions of the model.
New Split feature– Split trunks and/or branches and extend them with new generators for fine control and seamless UV mapping.
Shape Control– Automatically fill in meshes or procedurally placed spheres with branch structures to achieve complex shapes.
Pruning- Automatically and intelligently reduce the number of branches across the tree.
Decoration Generators- New “Fin” generator allows the addition of more shelf fungus and more.
Material variance– Randomly adjust material colors to create subtle map variations.
Built-in Spine Forces– Commonly used forces like gravity are built in to the new branch generator.
Shell Geometry- Create more interesting trunks or stumps with the new Shell Geometry generator.
Art Director Tool- Allows intuitive shaping of the tree, whether shaping entire branch levels or a single twig.

Whats New:
New Features
XML Exports Have More Data
Dynamic LOD, collision objects, spines, and bones have been added to XML exports from the Games Modeler.
Mesh Exports Without Textures
An option has been added to the mesh export dialog to export the mesh without generating textures for considerably faster exports when the textures are either already made or will be assigned manually later in the pipeline.

Bug Fixes
Draft Wind in Exported Models
Models using point caches or Alembic caches to represent wind animation were locked in draft mode. They will now use the mode selected on the Fan object. In addition, draft mode has been made more similar to production mode while still being faster in the viewport.
Gusting and Strenght Issues in Wind Exports
Several bugs affecting the consistency of wind strength and gusting behavior in point cache and Alembic exports have been fixed.
Bone Weighting
A new algorithm for determining bone weights has been implemented. It corrects issues with previous versions and adds an option to smooth bone weights or not.
Welding Quad Branch Geometry
A bug has been fixed that could cause quad branch geometry that rapidly decreased radial segment count to crash during welding.

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