
死侍 Deadpool XBOX360-iMARS

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这是XBOX360版本,Windown版见这里,PS3版见这里!该作将于2013年暑期发售。死侍(Deadpool)曾经是一名政府特务,不幸得了癌症从而自愿参加Weapon X计划,希望得到狼人的自我愈合能力来治好他的癌症,受尽各种折磨;后来遇见死亡女神(Death )而爱上她,故事从此展开。他精通超人的能力和特务操作武器的能力,包括爆破、狙击和空手搏斗等等,同时性格俏皮顽劣,让我们一同期待今年暑期即将登场的Deadpool将会给我们带来怎样的精彩故事。


Bang bang :P Group iMARS released a region free release to the much anticipated game “Deadpool”.

I’m not sure if you can hear me over how awesome I am, so listen closely. There are a few important things I need to say before you crack into this insanely sweet game: I’m a mercenary with an accelerated healing factor. I’ve been described as unstable, which is just plain coo-coo. (Wait, do sane people say coo-coo?) I hunger for two things, chimichangas and more chimichangas (mmm… chimichangas) I’m gonna battle for the safety of humans and mutants. (And even mumans.) So yeah, be prepared for just about anything. (Holla!)

Description: Some of you may know me as the Merc with the Mouth. And it’s time to get mouthy. Prepare to get Deadpooled – That’s right, $#*! just got real! Couple things I’d like to get off my chest: I’m a mercenary for hire with an accelerated healing factor. I like to run my mouth. Some say I’m unstable but I’m very stable. (Yep, totally stable) (What about that time we beat the dude with his own arms?) (That doesn’t count) And if you want to know what gets me going in the mornings, it’s chimichangas! (Mmmmm Chimichangas) WHOA, I feel better now. All right. I’m gonna battle for the safety of humans (and bewbs!) and mutants (and bewbs!)


  • Let’s Get Some Action: I made sure to capture all my good sides, so I made my game a third-person, action-shooter. (Yep, you get to look at my heinie.)
  • X-Men Groupies: Keep a look out cuz some of my X-Men pals (Whoa, What Pals?!) are making an appearance.
  • Insane Combat: I’m really good at killing, so I made it a blast stringing together combos and totally eviscerating my enemies. (Ev-is-cer-a-ting!)
  • Weapons Galore: I brought my skills and a buttload of my favorite things. Katanas (check), guns (bang!), explosives (boom), duct tape (quack), and of course, yours truly ? ME! (Checkmate!)

Rlsname: Deadpool.XBOX360-iMARS
Size: 7.8 GB

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