Winamp大家应该不会陌生,这是电脑上Windows操作系统中的一款老牌的媒体播放器了,现在也登陆Android平台了!它是一款媒体管理和播放工具,支持Android 2.1及以上系统,可以通过USB和WLAN同步到PC桌面
* 定制主页选项;
* 艺术家、专辑、歌曲、流派、播放列表、SHOUTcast、均衡器、免费音乐多个标签;
* 支持音乐文件夹管理;
* 连接USB数据线后自动挂载为USB驱动模式;
* 支持Wi-Fi同步桌面端Winamp程序;
* 快速进入Wi-Fi设置;
* 更改设备名称;
* 支持Scrobbling同步;
* 支持锁屏界面显示音乐控制面板;
* 支持耳机控制;
* 回放增益调整,增强音效;
* 10频段图形均衡器,多项预设配置;
Winamp Pro v1.4.9 | Android | 6.81 Mb
Play, manage and sync music from your Mac or PC to your Android device. Winamp Pro offers a complete music management solution (2.1 OS & above) featuring wireless desktop sync (Winamp Media Player required), iTunes import, & access to thousands of internet radio stations with SHOUTcast.

What’s in this version
- New: Notification player controls for JellyBean devices
Improved: Now Playing screen code refactoring
Fixed: AAC playback bug on JellyBean
Fixed: SHOUTcast playback crash caused by album art
Fixed: Manually entered SHOUTcast URLs can now be added as a favorite station
New in Winamp 1.4.9
Fixed: Music ‘stuttering’ on JB 4.2.x devices due to frequent notification updates
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