
RealFlow 2014 v. x64

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RealFlow 2014 v. (x64)

RealFlow是由西班牙Next Limit公司出品的流体动力学模拟软件。它是一款独立的模拟软件,可以计算真实世界中运动物体的运动,包括液体。RealFlow提供给艺术家们一系列精心设计的工具,如流体模拟(液体和气体)、网格生成器、带有约束的刚体动力学、弹性、控制流体行为的工作平台和波动、浮力(以前在RealWave中具有浮力功能)。你可以将几何体或场景导入RealFlow来设置流体模拟。在模拟和调节完成后,将粒子或网格物体从RealFlow导出到其他主流3D软件中进行照明和渲染.

RealFlow 2014 v. (x64) | 248.29 MB

RealFlow, with sister product the RealFlow RenderKit, is a unique fluids and body dynamics software package which allows you to simulate anything from a single drop of water to a massive tsunami crashing across a beach, sweeping debris in its wake. RealFlow remains the definitive tool for the creation of flawlessly realistic simulations, and has been used to produce some of the most ground-breaking visual effects ever seen, in movies like “Avatar”, “District 9”, “2012”, “GI Joe”, and “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button”, as well as commercials, TV programs, and game cinematics.

Next Limit has announced RealFlow and posted loads of sample videos created using the latest version of its industry-standard fluid simulator. Madrid-based Next Limit has just announced the latest version of its industry-standard fluid simulator, RealFlow. You may have seen some of the new features in our RealFlow sneak peek earlier this year, but Next Limit has posted up a load more preview videos for you to check out.

• Industry-standard, out-of-the-box fluid simulation software.
• Fast and easy to use
• Compatible with ALL major 3D platforms (3ds Max , Maya, LightWave, Softimage, Cinema 4D и Houdini …)
• The definitive fluid simulation software for over 15 years
• Award winning (including the Technical Achievement Award granted by The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences)

• Plagin for 3ds max 2015

OS – Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Home Page – http://realflow.com/

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