CorelDRAW Graphics Suite是一款由世界顶尖软件公司之一的加拿大的Corel公司开发的图形图像软件。其非凡的设计能力广泛地应用于商标设计、标志制作、模型绘制、插图描画、排版及分色输出等等诸多领域。其被喜爱的程度可用事实说明,用于商业设计和美术设计的PC电脑上几乎都安装了CorelDRAW。
不论您是刚崭露头角的艺术家,还是经验老道的资深设计师,CorelDRAW® Graphics Suite X6 都是值得您信赖的图形设计软件解决方案。借助其丰富的内容和专业图形设计、照片编辑和网站设计软件,您将能够随心所欲地表达自己的风格与创意。
内置的帮助、培训视频和专业设计模板助您快速上手。然后,您就可以自信地开始创作 — 从令人印象深刻的徽标和标志到自定义网站、Web 图形、广告标牌、车身贴和传单等!秀出您独特的设计风格!
CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7 v17.1.0.572 Multilingual ISO | 1.94 Gb
With a fresh look, new must-have tools and major feature enhancements, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7 opens up a world of new creative possibilities. We’ve designed several new workspaces that reflect your natural workflow, so that everything is right where you need it, when you need it. Whether you’re creating graphics and layouts, editing photos or designing websites, this complete suite of graphic design software helps you design your way.
Get up and running easily
From concept to production, CorelDRAW Graphics Suite X7 helps you work in style. Get started right away with the new Quick Start option. Plus, with thousands of high-quality images, fonts, templates, clipart and fills included, you’ll be creating beautiful designs for print and web in no time.
Work faster and more efficiently
With the newly redesigned, completely customizable interface, you choose your workspace based on your skill level, so everything is tailored exactly to your needs. You can also set your workspace to look like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator, making it an easy switch for former Creative Suite users.
Design with creativity and confidence
Whether you’re creating logos, newsletters, web graphics, billboards, car wraps or something completely new, we’ve got you covered with a complete set of versatile graphic design and photo-editing tools. New advanced fill and transparency options give you total control over the look of your projects—the sky’s the limit to what you can do with patterns!
Share and expand your experience
We’ve included tons of learning materials to help you get familiar with CorelDRAW and all its exciting new features. Keep your designs fresh with new community-generated content available through the integrated Content Exchange, where you can share vector, bitmap and fountain fills. Get inspired, showcase your handiwork and upvote the ones you like best.
System Requirements:
• Microsoft Windows 8/8.1 (32-bit or 64-bit editions), Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit editions), all with latest service packs installed
• Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64
• 2 GB RAM
• 1 GB hard disk space (for installation without content)
• Mouse, tablet or multi-touch screen
• 1280 x 768 screen resolution
• DVD drive (required for box installation)
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 8 or higher
• Internet connection required for Membership and Subscription services, installing updates and access to some features, including the Content Exchange, QR code tools and ConceptShare
Home Page – http://www.coreldraw.com/
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