
Halfway v1.0.1 Cracked-3DM

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 由 Robotality 开发的策略作品《Halfway》虽然采用的是 2D 画面,不过却有很高的精细度,沉闷的房间,红色的应急灯,干涸的血迹,破碎的玻璃渣等场景要素都刻画的十分到位。

  而游戏的题材是大家比较熟悉的“抗击外星人”,玩法上有些类似 Steam 平台上的热门游戏《Alien Force》。在这里玩家需要扮演一名太空飞船上的士兵,集合队友利用一切手段来消灭进入飞船的外星人。不过这些怪物拥有与人类同等的战斗思维,对付它们除了合理地布防设卡之外,游戏更提倡玩家们换上更犀利的装备进行抢攻,当然这需要更加过硬的操作和战斗意识,队友的装备搭配,与其他伙伴之间的移动配合你都必须考虑在内。

  除了令人肾上腺素飚升的快节奏策略玩法,游戏还加入了一些 RPG 要素。玩家每赢得一场战斗都会获得装备或是金币奖励,可以在商店中购买和升级武器、护甲,当然也可以学习一些实用的战斗技能,让那些外型物种望而生畏。

Halfway is a turn-based strategy RPG taking place a few hundred years into the future. Humanity has begun to colonise new worlds and until now, they were alone…

In Halfway you take control of a small team of survivors faced with a violent invasion onboard the colonial vessel Goliath. As their leader you will guide them through the dark and cramped corridors of the ship to slowly take back control.

If you have any hope of surviving, you’ll have to fight, face your fears and outsmart the enemy!


  • Tactical turn-based battles: Strategic turn-based battles are at the core of Halfway. Use cover, position, equipment and skills to your advantage in your battles.
  • Unique characters: Your team is formed by unique characters you pick up along the way. Each one of them brings their own story, skills and experiences to the journey.
  • Atmospheric storyline: Find yourself in the middle of an engrossing story-line. Step by step you’ll uncover the mysterious events that took place and what it means for you and all of humanity.
  • Mod support coming soon: Map and campaign editor soon to be released allowing a great amount of custom scenarios and/or campaigns.

Publisher: Chucklefish
Developer: Robotality
Genre: Action, Indie, RPG, Strategy

Release name: Halfway.v1.0.1.Cracked-3DM
Size: 152MB
Links: Homepage

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