
Pixel Hunter Cracked-3DM

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 如超级马里奥系列一样,《像素猎人(Pixel Hunter)》也是一款横版闯关游戏,主角的武器被森林里的小动物们偷走了,而他想要去夺回来。游戏的过程很逗,小兔子居然会发射胡萝卜来打你,而主角被打中,红色的小帽子会掉下来露出秃顶的脑袋,如果再被打到,连假发都会掉下来…游戏比较简单,就单纯捧着把小*一路跳跃突突突剿灭调皮的各种小动物就行。游戏有5个不同的场景,还有 BOSS 战。

Pixel hunter is 3D side-scroller game, designed in Voxel and 8Bit style. The game is about a hunter, whose weapons were stolen by different animals. His only thought is to return them all. The main objective of the game is to go through the worlds such are:

– Forest, Mountain, Arctic, Volcano, Beach

During your trip you’ll meet with different enemies like: animals, birds, amphibians and fishes. By the end of each level you have to fight with Boss, which will return you the stolen weapon.


  • Awesome 3D Voxel and 8bit graphics!
  • Perfect mix of retro and modern game styles!
  • 5 worlds with various environments and unique soundtracks per each!
  • Epic fights with bosses at the end of each level!
  • Multiple game plays within one game (side-scroller, runner, boss fights)!

Publisher: Lemondo Entertainment
Developer: Lemondo Entertainment
Genre: Action, Adventure

Release name: Pixel.Hunter.Cracked-3DM
Size: 32MB
Links: Homepage

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