
The Wolf Among Us Episode 1 to 5 MacOSX-ACTiVATED

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《The Wolf Among Us》取材于《成人童话(Fables)》,《成人童话》是 Bill Willingham 主编,DC 旗下 Vertigo 所出版的系列漫画。漫画故事讲述一群被逐出家乡,来到我们世界的童话人物(Fables)的故事。玩家在游戏中可以看到许多经典童话人物,例如三只小猪和 Mr Toad。玩家将扮演“Bigby(毕格斯比)”,曾经的“大坏狼”,现在是纽约童话人物隐秘社区的警长,他需要解除一个个威胁,完成保护白雪公主的目标。

本作剧本由 TellTale 制作,以开发商的水准,不难想象其强大的剧情、考究复古的漫画渲染画面和极强的角色代入感。和《行尸走肉》的支线系统一样,《The Wolf Among Us》同样会采用非线性剧情的形式,将多种选择引导到不同情况,还有道德选择元素。

From the makers of the 2012 Game of the Year: The Walking Dead, comes a gritty, violent and mature thriller based on the award-winning Fables comic books (DC Comics/Vertigo). As Bigby Wolf – THE big bad wolf – you will discover that a brutal, bloody murder is just a taste of things to come in a game series where your every decision can have enormous consequences.

An evolution of Telltale’s ground-breaking choice and consequence game mechanics will ensure the player learns that even as Bigby Wolf, Sheriff of Fabletown, life in the big bad city is bloody, terrifying and dangerous.


  • From the team that brought you 2012 Game of the Year, The Walking Dead
  • Based on the Eisner Award-winning Fables comic book series
  • Now, it’s not only WHAT you choose to do that will affect your story, but WHEN you choose to do it
  • A mature and gritty take on characters from fairytales, legends and folklore who have escaped into our world
  • A perfect place to begin your Fables journey, even if you’ve not read the comics; this game is set before the events seen in the first issue

Publisher: Telltale Games
Developer: Telltale Games
Genre: Adventure

Release name: The.Wolf.Among.Us.Episode.1.to.5.MacOSX-ACTiVATED
Size: 4.65GB
Links: HomepageNFO

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