
Plague Inc Evolved v0.7.5.1 Cracked-3DM

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相信不少人都在手机上玩过瘟疫公司(Plague Inc)这款游戏吧,或者同类型的游戏。

Plague Inc.是一款以病毒传染为题材的策略型游戏,要求玩家将某种病原体散布到世界各地从而制造一场超级大瘟疫,最终让全球人类死于传染病。在病原体的传播、侵染过程中,玩家需要不断增强其传染性和抵抗力,同时还需要应对全球科学家的对策。



Plague Inc.是一个看起来简单的数字游戏,你好似有足够长的时间慢慢等待病毒爆发,最终袭卷全世界,但如果只是这样的话游戏就没有什么意思了,游戏中考验你制定策略的能力,以及与面对实际情况的应变能力,你不仅要为你的病毒增加传染渠道,也要控制它在一定时期的致命性,而且你还需要注意疾病是否设计完美,存在某项缺陷比如不耐高温,会导致最终时刻来临前疾病被治愈。所以游戏中你要保证留有一定的DNA研究点数,在大面积爆发并于医学机构做对抗的时候,可以使病毒产生其他的副作用和变种,使其难以被治愈。游戏具有较高的重玩价值,另外它也告诉你,生病了最好立即去看医生,没准里面潜伏什么呢。

该游戏首次登陆PC平台会得到加强,也就是Plague Inc: Evolved(瘟疫公司:进化版),它将于美国时间2月20号以抢先体验的身份登陆Steam。

1. 联机模式:合作和对战。合作模式允许玩家们一起抵御疫苗,而对战模式则是比谁先征服世界。
2. 自定义关卡,可以创建新的病毒种类和世界,并且通过Steam Workshop分享
3. 更好的画面以及更多游戏内的状态统计
4. 以及更多内容


Can you infect the world?

Plague Inc: Evolved is a unique mix of high strategy and terrifyingly realistic simulation. Your pathogen has just infected ‘Patient Zero’ – now you must bring about the end of human history by evolving a deadly, global Plague whilst adapting against everything humanity can do to defend itself.

Plague Inc. is so realistic that the CDC even asked the developer to come and speak about the infection models in the game! http://blogs.cdc.gov/publichealthmatters/2013/04/plague-inc/.

Over 25 million players have been infected by Plague Inc., and Plague Inc: Evolved combines the original critically acclaimed gameplay with significant, all-new features for PC:

  • Infectious Multiplayer – cooperative and competitive gameplay modes let you team up to fight the cure with friends, or compete in a race to kill the world.
  • Contagious Content Creator – hit the lab and develop your own custom scenarios, creating new plague types and worlds. Bring your deadliest ideas to life and share them with Steam Workshop.
  • Blinding Graphics – including full 3D disease models taking you closer to your plague than ever before, city-cams showing humanity’s struggle at street level, and the body scanner highlighting the full effect of your mutations, organ by organ.
  • Deadly Data – predict government responses with priority indicators, geek out with loads of new stats and graphs, and analyse your best strategies with end-of-game replays.

Please note that Plague Inc: Evolved is currently in Early Access (see above for more details). We are currently hard at work and will be adding / polishing features over the coming weeks. More information: http://www.ndemiccreations.com/en/31-plague-inc-evolved-early-access.

Full Release Features:

  • 9 Different Disease Types – Master every pathogen; from bacteria to bio-weapons and mind control to zombies, end humanity by any means possible – different diseases will need radically different approaches.
  • Infectious Multiplayer – Cooperative and Competitive gameplay; team up to fight the cure with friends, or compete in a race to kill the world.
  • Contagious Content Creator – Hit the lab; develop your own custom scenarios – creating new plague types and worlds. Bring your deadliest ideas to life and share them with Steam Workshop.
  • 14 Unique Scenarios – Adapt your strategy; scenarios create further challenges for your pandemic – how will you handle a new strain of Swine Flu, or infect a world in Ice Age?
  • Stunning Graphical Features – Watch your disease take hold; witness your pathogen mutate in real-time disease models, see humanity’s struggle at street-level on city-cams, and watch the full effect of your mutations organ-by-organ on the body scanner.
  • Hyper-Realistic World – Strategize in the real world; advanced AI and use of real-world data and events make Plague Inc: Evolved a highly authentic simulation of a world-ending pathogen. Even the CDC likes it!
  • Deadly Data – Geek out with stats and graphs; monitor infection and death levels, track government reactions and cure efforts, then review your plague’s success (or failure!) with full game replays.
  • And much more… – Including speed runs, Mega-Brutal difficulty and genetic modification… Plus loads of new disease types and scenarios in future (free!) updates.

Publisher: Ndemic Creations
Developer: Ndemic Creations
Genre: Early Access, Indie, Simulation, Strategy

Release name: Plague.Inc.Evolved.v0.7.5.1.Cracked-3DM
Size: 196MB
Links: Homepage

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