
SiSoftware Sandra Business / Personal / Tech Support / Enterprise 2014.08.20.42 SP3 Multilingual

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SiSoftware Sandra Business / Personal / Enterprise 2014.06.20.34 SP2a

这是一套功能强大的系统分析评测工具,拥有超过30种以上的测试项目,主要包括有CPU、Drives、CD-ROM/DVD、Memory、SCSI、APM/ACPI、鼠标、键盘、网络、主板、打印机等。全面支持当前各种VIA、ALI芯片组和Pentium 4、AMD DDR平台。除了具有强大的功能外,使用也很方便,易于上手。

SiSoftware Sandra 是一个基于32位与64位windows平台的系统分析工具程序,它包含了性能测试、测试与产生报告等模块。它试图超越其它同类工具软件为您提供电脑内部更详尽真实的硬件信息,同时又为您提供直观的图形式比较图,使您对自己的电脑与其它高端或低端电脑的各种性能比较结果一目了然。

SiSoftware Sandra Business / Personal / Tech Support / Enterprise 2014.08.20.42 SP3 Multilingual| 72.3 MB

Sandra 2014, the latest version of our award-winning utility, which includes remote analysis, benchmarking and diagnostic features for PCs, servers, mobile devices and networks.

Here is an in-depth new feature list of Sandra 2014:

Broad Operating System Support All current OS versions supported: Windows 8, 7, Vista and XP
• Enhanced for Windows 8 / Server 2012 Desktop mode using the latest API.
• New theme for Windows 8 / Server 2012 and its brand new look (ex-Metro).
• Full support for Windows 7, Vista and XP as well as Server 2008/R2 and Server 2003/R2.
• Updated hardware support for both current and future hardware (AMD “Trinity”, “Vishera”; Intel “Haswell”)

New driver/firmware notification
Keep up-to-date with the latest enhancements for your computer

Sandra checks for updated firmware/BIOS or device drivers for all components/peripherals and provides the user with download information [commercial versions only]:

• System BIOS update
• Video Card BIOS update, driver update (including DirectX, OpenGL, OpenCL and CUDA)
• Disk (Hard Disk, Optical Drive or SSD) firmware update
• CPU microcode update
• USB device firmware update, driver update
• Printer firmware update, driver update
• Network device (e.g. router, wireless access point) firmware update

Updated Device Performance Certification*
Certify the validity and quality of your benchmarks results [Commercial versions]

Device Performance Certification validates whether the benchmark result (score) you have obtained upon benchmarking your device is valid (i.e. the device you tested is performing correctly) and how it compares to the scores obtained by other users when testing the same device.

By aggregating the results submitted for each device and performing statistical analysis (e.g. computing mean/average, standard deviation, etc.) we can use statistical tools to work out whether the score is within the expected range (confidence intervals).

Based on the variability of scores you can determine whether the performance of your device is consistent or varies significantly from test to test.

SiSoftware Sandra Business / Personal / Enterprise 2014.06.20.34 SP2a

OS : Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 (32-bit x86, 64-bit x64) and Windows Server 2003/R2, 2008/R2, 2012 (32-bit x86, 64-bit x64)
Language : Multilingual 

Home Page – http://www.sisoftware.net/

SiSoftware Sandra Business / Personal / Tech Support / Enterprise 2014.08.20.42 SP3 Multilingual

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SiSoftware Sandra Business / Personal / Tech Support / Enterprise 2014.06.20.35 Multilingual

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