
hyperMILL 2018.1 Multilanguage

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OPEN MIND Technologies hyperMILL 2018.1

一种无所不能的 CAM 解决方案


凭借 hyperMILL®,用户可高效地对简单和复杂的几何形状进行编程。归功于各种各样的机加工策略,只需一次设置就可以对工件进行完整的机加工。 优势: 持续高效的工序,缩短了加工时间,同时增强了可靠性。

此外,hyperMILL® 还提供几个用于自动化编程的选项,从而降低了机床循环次数,优化了工序。 这方面的示例包括尖端的特征和宏技术、诸如镜像和转换等自动化功能、诸如工单关联或产品模式以及全自动碰撞检查和避免等最大限度降低辅助处理时间的功能。


  • 通过转换和镜像等自动化功能可实现轻松、省时的编程
  • 工单关联或产品模式等智能功能可降低辅助处理时间
  • 用于 5 轴机加工的自动分度可节省时间,更便于在机床上快速运用
  • 用于型腔和曲面加工的多种 5 轴策略
  • 全自动碰撞检查和避免可保证最高的工序稳定性
  • 用于高速度加工和高性能粗加工的功能
  • 2D、3D、HSC、5 轴和铣削策略整合于同一个界面中
  • 全球领先的 5 轴加工技术
  • 特殊应用程序无缝地集成到 hyperMILL® 中
  • 用于车削和铣削策略的后置处理器

 hyperMILL 2018.1 | 4.8 Gb

OPEN MIND Technologies has presented hyperMILL 2018.1, is the high-performance, complete CAM solution from OPEN MIND. 2.5D, 3D, 5-axis milling and mill/turn tasks can be programmed perfectly and precisely with hyperMILL. This release offers a number of new functions for more efficient programming and manufacturing.

About hyperMILL. hyperMILL is a modular and flexible CAM solution for 2.5D, 3D and 5-axis milling as well as mill turning and machining operations such as high-speed cutting (HSC) and high-performance cutting (HPC), with everything integrated in a single interface. The special applications for milling impellers, blisks, turbine blades, tubes and tire moulds round off the range of functions available in hyperMILL.

– Complete machining with just one CAM system and one postprocessor
Complete machining for milling and mill turning with just one CAM software and just one post­processor results in integrated processes and minimised machining times, while also increasing reliability – for maximum process reliability, cost efficiency and quality.
hyperMILL provides the maximum possible benefits to customers thanks to its full compatibility with all current CAD solutions. hyperMILL is offered as a direct integration for the following leading CAD systems: SOLIDWORKS and Autodesk Inventor as well as for OPEN MIND’s own ‘CAD-for-CAM’ solution: hyperCAD-S
– Increased competitiveness with hyperMILL
OPEN MIND customers benefit from leading 5-axis and postprocessor technology as well as diverse options for automation. These help to ensure a high level of competitiveness.
The CAD/CAM systems from OPEN MIND meet the highest requirements worldwide in the tool and mould manufacturing, production machining, automobile, aerospace, motor sports, medical engineering and turbine machining industries.

About OPEN MIND Technologies AG. OPEN MIND Technologies AG is a leading developer of CAD/CAM software and postprocessors for designing and manufacturing complex parts. OPEN MIND offers an extensive range of products, from 2D feature-oriented solutions for milling standard parts through to software for 5-axis simultaneous machining. With over 14,000 licenses sold across the automotive, tool and mould manufacturing, mechanical engineering and aerospace industries, OPEN MIND Technologies AG is represented in all the key markets around the world. OPEN MIND Technologies AG is a subsidiary of Man and Machine.

Product: OPEN MIND Technologies hyperMILL
Version: 2018.1 Build 41
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : http://www.openmind-tech.com
Language: multilanguage
System Requirements: PC
Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7even or newer
Size: 4.8 Gb



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