
Esko Automation Engine v22.07 x64 Multilanguage

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Esko Automation Engine v22.07 (x64) Multilanguage

Automation Engine 是唯一能够适应不同印刷技术(数字、柔印、胶印……)要求的自动化工作流程。这意味着只需要一个生产文件就能完成组合印刷作业的要求。该作业包含多种印刷工艺的参数。这些参数在工作流程中可以被识别,并采用其自己的预定路径来自动获得特定的印刷设置。


Automation Engine与任何现有基础设施 (MIS, ERP……) 无缝集成。Automation Engine 可以兼容各种桌面出版格式,支持 RIP 或文件服务器和所有行业标准,如 PDF、XML、XMP、SQL 查询和 JDF/JMF 通信。从入门级的需求到更精细的设置,Automation Engine 可确保实现快速投资回报。另外,当其中一个系统需要更新时,集成不会中断。


利用 ESKO 30年的包装知识,将包装成现成的工作流程。这些自动化的例行任务,如印前检查,捕获,步骤和重复。自动生成报告,并与您的数据系统和数字媒体集成。更重要的是,您可以在不到5天的时间内利用这些工作流。



x64 | Languages:Multilanguage | File Size: 10.3 GB

Automation Engine sets a new standard for prepress workflow automation. It is a new modular workflow server with dynamic workflows that are easy to set up and operate. Automation Engine ensures increased efficiency and throughput and saves time and money. It is, by all standards, an exceptional answer to the daily challenges of print professionals who need to increase quality, reduce errors and drive cost out of the process.

Esko’s Automation Engine is a modular prepress workflow automation software that works at the heart of your prepress operation. With Automation Engine you can automate tasks like preflighting, trapping, making proofs and generating reports. Do more jobs in less time while increasing your profitability.

With its visual and intuitive interface you can easily create complex workflows with a simple click, drag & drop. Repeat old jobs as per your client’s specifciations while maintaining the highest quality and on-time delivery.

Prepress Tasks
Automation Engine workflow automates all your prepress tasks. Build your own dynamic workflows & execute them automatically. Concept to production is automated with minimal operator intervention. Improves quality, consistency & speeds up the whole prepress process

Integrates with graphical editors like Illustrator, PackEdge, ArtPro+, RIPs, file servers, and a host of other business systems to make Automation Engine the real heart of your prepress department.

Dynamic VDP tools
-Extended support for VDP templates created in ArtPro+ with PDF+ VDP templates for Roll Fed labels, and the Expand Dynamic VDP function supporting both templates from DeskPack and PDF+ templates from ArtPro+
-Support for Step & Repeat CAD with new capability to create CAD-based VDP templates in ArtPro+ and extend it by Expand Dynamic VDP data for Step and Repeat tasks

Right first time
With Viewing & QA , content errors are detected on any file type prior to output. Compare versions of the same file, of different files, or between file types (screened, stepped) – there is even barcode scanning and braille reading.

-Reduces product recalls
-Higher quality output
-Discrepancies are caught and resolved automatically

Modular System
-Base Module (Recommended Basic Config)
-Job Management (Recommended Basic config)
-Viewing & QA (Optional)
-Reporting & 3D (Optional)
-Processor (Optional)
-Layout (Optional)
-Color (Optional)

-Increase throughput within your prepress department
-Integrates with all common editors: Adobe® Illustrator®, ArtPro…
-Can be configured with automated Quality Control tools for artwork inspection, text, barcodes and braille
-Easy to use & scalable
-Reduce errors by 80%
-Handle up to 40% more jobs with the same headcount

System Requirements
OS:Windows 10/11 Home/Pro/Enterpise / Windows Server 2022 Standard/Essentianl/DataCenter
CPU:x86-64 dual-core processor (Intel or AMD).
RAM:Minimum 4 GB.
Space:The installation of the Client Applications takes up about 4 GB of disk space. An NTFS volume is required.
GPU:Minimum 1280×1024 screen resolution, true color depth.



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