
The Gnomon Workshop – Unreal Engine 5 Material System Overview

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Duration 5h 16m MP4

Title: The Gnomon Workshop – Unreal Engine 5 Material System Overview

Director Aaron Sims explores the power of storytelling in Unreal Engine 5 and invites participants to discover his UE5 workflow and process behind the making of the award-winning short film, THE EYE: CALANTHEK. Encompassing the full spectrum of UE filmmaking, this Gnomon Workshop title covers everything from story development within Unreal to character and world-building, mocap and animation in sequencer, editing, and beyond.

Aaron takes an up-close look at Lumen to illustrate the process of lighting interiors, and exteriors, along with his best practices for lighting the characters themselves. Previsualization (previs) in-engine is a real game-changer because assets bring the story to life and illuminate creative opportunities. Once the stage is set and the story is refined, editing then brings the film together using all the latest UE5 real-time production techniques.

This workshop is aimed at artists with a working knowledge of Unreal Engine. Rather than a how-to guide, this workshop gives a professional insight into the entire process of UE5 content creation. The goal is for subscribers to enjoy the entire process and be inspired to tell their own stories using Unreal Engine.



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