
SolidThinking Evolve & Inspire 9.5 工业设计/造型三维软件

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solidThinking Evolve® 9.5赋予设计师更高水准的全新控制力

      2013年6月25日,TROY(美国密歇根州)–在2000年的时候,solidThinking是第一个在OSX和Windows两种操作系统上都能提供给工业设计师基于NURBS的三维建模软件的公司。随着用户群的逐渐增加,solidThinking将自由曲面、结构历史进程以及高速逼真渲染都囊括入一个单独的软件包,专门满足设计师们的需求。现在,其最新版本solidThinking Evolve 9.5将帮助客户以一种最为自然和时尚的方式,更快创建复杂的产品。

      “solidThinking Evolve工具让几何创建过程更加简炼,并让编辑过程更加符合使用者的操作直觉,” solidThinking Evolve的项目经理Darren Chilton说,“还有,我们独一无二的结构历史进程特征现在已经更强、更加人性化。在这个版本中,我们不仅一如既往地支持客户在OSX上的应用,我们还增加了一个新的Windows 64位版本,让用户更高效地管理大文件。”


0046_1      重要的solidThinking Evolve9.5 新功能包括:

  • 全面提升对Windows系统的支持——新的Windows 64位版本让管理大文件的效率最大化(另有Windows 32位版本同时面世)。
  • 更优秀的模型控制能力——新的扫略和曲线融合工具让用户更好地控制模型,并让工作流程更加轻松。
  • 更出众的几何创建和编辑——新的选择辅助工具,如预选高亮、微对话框,以及直接外壳选取等功能,让几何创建过程更加简炼并让编辑过程更加符合操作直觉。
  • 提升的结构树——结构历史进程更加精炼和稳定。
  • 本地语言支持——新版本支持简体中文、英文、法语、德语、意大利语、日本语、韩国语、葡萄牙语以及西班牙语。

      “solidThinking Evolve是我在电影工作中用于设计世界的软件,”好莱坞概念艺术家Ron Mendell说道,“我从2004年开始使用solidThinking (Evolve),那时候只有这种软件可以应用到Mac系统上面。如今的Evolve继续大步向前发展,它的提升程度远远超过了我以前的预期。”


      solidThinking Evolve 能让工业设计师更快地推敲造型,并且它在Windows PC和Mac两种操作系统上都可应用。Evolve能够捕获最初的草绘,然后帮助设计师探索更多的造型样式以及生成高质量的即时渲染效果。它在独一无二的结构历史进程基础上,融合了完全自由的曲面建模和参数化实体控制。Evolve将设计师从以工程为主导的CAD工具中解放出来,并且它的数字模型能与产品开发流程中其他软件稳定对接。


      solidThinking上周还宣布发布了solidThinking Inspire® 9.5 。 solidThinking Inspire能让设计工程师、产品设计师以及建筑设计师更快更轻松地创建和研究高效结构概念。传统的结构仿真能够帮助工程师检测他们的设计是否能承受所施加的载荷。而Inspire可以通过在一个赋予了材料属性的包裹空间内施加载荷,来推进这种进程。这个软件易学易用,通过与现有的CAD工具合作帮助工程师们在流程初期把握结构件的设计正确性,同时缩减成本、提高开发周期的效率、减少材料的应用以及辅助产品减重。


SolidThinking Evolve & Inspire 9.5 | 1.7 Gb

solidThinking, Inc. develops and markets industrial design/styling 3D software that helps designers invent, explore and evaluate new ideas easily, rapidly and cost-effectively, without the limitations of traditional software, announces the releases Evolve 9.5 and Inspire 9.5.

solidThinking today announced the latest version of its solidThinking Inspire software, which allows design engineers, product designers and architects to create and investigate structurally efficient concepts quickly and easily. Traditional structural simulations allow engineers to check if a design will support the required loads. Inspire assists this process by generating a new material layout within a package space using the loads as an input. The software is easy to learn and works with existing CAD tools to help design structural parts right the first time, reducing costs, development time, material consumption and product weight. 


Important new features in solidThinking Inspire 9.5 include:

– Minimizing Mass – When running an optimization, users can now choose to either maximize stiffness or minimize mass.
– Stress Constraint – A global stress constraint can be applied to limit the maximum stress in the model during optimization.
– Displacement Constraints – Displacement constraints can be applied to a model to limit deflections in desired locations and directions.
– Extrude Draw Direction – The new extrusion shape control generates constant cross-section topologies in a specified direction.

In 2000, solidThinking became the first company to offer industrial designers NURBS-based 3D modeling software for both the OS X and Windows operating systems. Since then its user community has grown, driven by the value of the software’s organic surfacing, construction history, and integrated rendering in a single package, coupled with solidThinking’s commitment to creating a tool crafted specifically to the requirements of designers. Now its latest release of the software, solidThinking Evolve 9.5, lets users work in the most natural and unrestricted fashion yet, enabling faster creation of complex products.

Important new features in solidThinking Evolve 9.5 include:

– Improved Windows Support – New 64bit Windows support maximizes efficiency in managing large files (a 32bit Windows version is also available).
– Greater Modeling Control – All new Sweep and Blend Curve tools provide greater modeling control and an easier workflow.
– Superior Geometry Creation and Editing – New selection aids such as pre-highlighting, micro-dialogs, and direct hull selection simplify geometry creation and make editing more intuitive.
– Enhanced ConstructionTree –The construction history is now more visually refined and robust.

About solidThinking, Inc.

solidThinking creates, develops and markets technology that helps our user community bring the most desirable products to their customers faster. solidThinking software is sold and supported by a global network of distribution partners and is also available as part of the Altair HyperWorks suite. solidThinking is a wholly owned subsidiary of Troy, Mich. (USA)-based Altair. Altair is privately held and employs 1,800 people in North America, South America, Europe and Asia/Pacific.

Name: SolidThinking Evolve & Inspire
Version: 9.5 Build 9.5.3387
Home: http://solidthinking.com/
Interface: english
OS: Windows XP / Vista / Seven
Size: 1.7 Gb


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