
Adobe Creative Cloud Complete Collection 2013 for MACOSX

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什么是 Creative Cloud?

Creative Cloud 集成了您创作最伟大作品所需要的所有元素。它带给您最新、最棒的 Adobe 创意工具和服务。有了 Creative Cloud,您将能更高效地与团队及伙伴协同工作,并在创意社群内分享作品。Creative Cloud 将您需要的所有元素整合到一个平台,简化了整个创意过程。

全新应用程式,更为完备的连线工具和服务。只要按一下,就能连线到您的创意社群。现在全部都能在 Creative Cloud 取得。


Adobe Creative Cloud Complete Collection 2013 for Windows (x86/x64) | 9.46 GB 


What’s included: 

Adobe CC crack kit 1.0.1.zip (1.03 MB)
AdobeDownloadAssistant.dmg (1.81 MB)
AdobeExtensionManager_CC_LS20.dmg (103.35 MB)
Adobe_Edge_Code_LREF.dmg (33.49 MB)
AfterEffects_12_LS20.dmg (1.33 GB)
Audition_6_LS20.dmg (322.64 MB)
Bridge_6_LS20.dmg (369.82 MB)
CreativeCloudInstaller.dmg (4.19 MB)
Dreamweaver_13_LS20.dmg (314.63 MB)
Edge_Animate_2_LS17.dmg (48.97 MB)
Edge_Inspect_1_3_LREFJ.dmg (28.14 MB)
Edge_Reflow_preview_3_LREF.dmg (27.17 MB)
Flash_Professional_13_LS20.dmg (1008.46 MB)
Illustrator_17_LS20.dmg (1.75 GB)
InCopy_9_LS20.dmg (628.06 MB)
InDesign_9_LS20.dmg (853.81 MB)
Muse Crack.zip (5.47 MB)
Muse_5_0_CCM_LS23.dmg (181.26 MB)
Photoshop_14_LS20.dmg (880.69 MB)
Prelude_2_LS20.dmg (619.96 MB)
PremierePro_7_LS20.dmg (1.18 GB)
Scout_1_1_LREFJC.dmg (12.64 MB)
SpeedGrade_7_LS20.dmg (154.55 MB)

Your favorite tools are about to get even better. Introducing Creative Cloud™ desktop applications, including Adobe® Photoshop® CC and Illustrator® CC. They’re the next generation of CS tools. Get hundreds of all-new features. New ways to keep your creative world in sync — feature updates, settings, and feedback from team members. And, as always, your applications live on your desktop, not in a browser and not in the cloud. All-new desktop versions of your favorite creative tools and services, check. Immediate access to new features and updates, check. And that’s just the beginning. With Creative Cloud™, everything you need to create intuitively and collaboratively is included.


What’s new:

• All-new Photoshop CC — revolutionizing digital imaging.
Use new Smart Sharpen to make details stand out. Go to production faster by auto-generating final assets for the layers in your web and mobile designs. Plus, save work in progress to Behance right from Photoshop CC.

• Cloud storage.
20GB of cloud storage for individuals; 100GB with Creative Cloud for teams. Work on files at the office, from home, on your tablet. Easily share your concepts with clients or colleagues.

• Mission control for creativity.
With Creative Cloud, your entire creative world gets its own central dashboard, where everything is organized for you. Track comments posted to shared files, keep tabs on your work and your followers on Behance, download the latest product updates, and more.

• Behance
Join the world’s leading creative community to get inspired or get noticed. Post projects right from within Photoshop CC. Your Creative Cloud paid membership even comes with the Pro features of Behance, including ProSite — a fully customizable professional portfolio with your own unique URL.
Video tutorials included with Adobe Creative Cloud

• Expert training and support.
Sharpen your skills and master new tools with a growing library of exclusive video tutorials from experts at Adobe and leading partner companies. Creative Cloud for teams also includes expert support — each member of your team gets two one-on-one sessions with an Adobe product expert per year.


Languages: Dansk, Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Italiano, Nederlands, Norwegian, Polish, Português (Brasil), Suomi, Svenska, Turkish, čeština, Русский, 日本語, 한국어


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