
APSoft DMIScope 2.0.005

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APSoft DMIScope 2.0.001

DMIScope 是一款可以在Windows下直接修改BIOS DMI信息的工具,因为不是刷BIOS,所以使用 DMIScope 操作几乎无任何风险

APSoft DMIScope 2.x | 3.1 MB


DMIScope is a powerful tool designed to explore the System Management BIOS (SMBIOS) also known as DMI BIOS.

Some implementations of SMBIOS contain vendor specific information. DMIScope gives you the unique possibility to add descriptions of such structures via simple text file. Click here to see an example of the file with definitions of the “BIOS Information” structure.

Does your motherboard support the updating of SMBIOS (DMI) information at a run time?
DMIScope will test your SMBIOS (DMI BIOS) for write capability and allow to modify that information. Do you need to customize some SMBIOS data, for example system serial number? DMIScope will help you.

Caution! Many BIOS implementation do not support update of SMBIOS tables properly. Please refer to DMIScope help file for more information on this subject.

DMIScope help system contains a detailed description of all standard DMI data structures and access mechanisms in accordance to SMBIOS Specification v2.7.1.

DMIScope shows all SMBIOS information in different formats:
– List of SMBIOS structures and fields
– Text report
– String table for every SMBIOS structure
– Binary dump

Open format of SMBIOS structures stored in a text file allows easy modification and addition of new structures.
A possibility to save SMBIOS information to a file is useful for exploring remote machines and creating a collection of SMBIOS snapshots.
A possibility to compare SMBIOS information.
DMIScope Console Agent allows to display and modify SMBIOS structures from DOS box / Win32 console.
DMIScope Automation support allows to access SMBIOS structures from Java and VBasic scripts.
A built-in hardware debugger gives an immediate access to PC hardware without a need to install a separate debugger program.
DMIScope is designed to run on all modern Windows platforms.

Home Page – http://www.tssc.de/index.htm

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