
OrgBusiness Soft Orgscheduler 1+1 8.5 日历/计划日程安排系统

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OrgBusiness Soft Orgscheduler 1+1 8.5OrgBusiness Soft Orgscheduler 1+1 8.5


OrgScheduler 是一款完整的日历/计划日程安排系统。带有多种外观,感受风格选项和布局,OrgScheduler 在市场上确实没有可以可与之竞争的软件。OrgScheduler 拥有可以同时浏览任何实体的若干种方案,诸如个人或者办公室位置等等。每种资源拥有独特的标签以及在日历内部显示的标题。因此,不必担心需要显示哪种类型的资源-人力资源,部门资源等等。该软件在引入 Microsoft Outlook 的基础上创建界面选项。该软件可以包括从 Outlook 导入以及导出到 Outlook,文本,HTML, XML 和 Excel 格式。该软件特别推出在日期浏览方面不同的时间显示选项,用于显示事件类型和重要事件的149种事件颜色类型,显示带有标题的事件开始和结束时间的自动化提示,多种外观和感受风格,事件重复控制等功能。该软件的增强版本为你提供了一个可定制的资源导航器,新数据导航器,一个全面的提醒器,事件交迭控制以及一种在不同任意数量资源之间用于共享事件的机制。使用OrgScheduler,你可以使用电子邮件或者 SMS 向你的同学,朋友和家庭成员发送约会,提醒和邀请。你可以根据你的区域设置格式化日历。该软件提供了许多类型的浏览:日,周,月,季度,年,全天或者仅工作日以及水平,垂直时间线浏览。打印设计系统还让你可以设计和打印优美的报表。


OrgBusiness Soft Orgscheduler 1+1 8.5 | 47.7 MB

This software does allow multiple users to update one calendar. Meaning the calendar belongs to everyone and everyone can read and write to it. OrgScheduler 1+1 gives you low cost network solution for sharing central planner simultaneously with everyone in your workgroup. 

You can even set network alarms to remind the whole office of an important event, like a meeting, in real-time. The program will show the complete list of active connections. Access to the OrgScheduler is controlled by the user security profiles. This is why information is always safe with OrgScheduler, whether it is implemented on a local network or on the Internet. The OrgScheduler 1+1 is built upon the interface options introduced in Microsoft Outlook. It includes importing from Outlook, exporting to Outlook, text, HTML, PDF, XML and Excel formats. Exchanging data with other applications (Apple iCal, Microsoft Exchange Server, Novell GroupWise) is made easier with the new support for the iCal data format.

The program gives you a customizable Resource Navigator, new Date Navigator, a comprehensive reminder, control over the events overlapping and a mechanism for sharing events between an arbitrary number of different resources. It features different time display options in the day view, 149 event coloring types to indicate an event’s kind and importance, automatic hints that display an event’s start and end time together with its caption, multiple look and feel styles, event recurrence control. You can format the calendar according to your regional settings. It provides many types of views: Day, Week, Month, Quarter, Year, All Days or Work Days only and vertical, horizontal timeline views. Also Print Designer system enables to you to design and print elegant reports.

To use OrgScheduler 1+1, your computer must have one of the following Windows operating systems:

System Requirements
– Windows ME, 2000, 2003, 2008, XP, Vista, 7 (32-bit & 64-bit), Windows 8, Windows 8 Pro

Home Page – http://www.orgbusiness.com/orgscheduler1plus1.html


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