
iRedSoft Batch It! Pro 5.0.9

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iRedSoft Batch It! Pro 5.0.9

iRedSoft Batch It! Pro专业版是个批量图像处理器,支持先进的图像处理功能,如图像缩放,字幕和水印和能够保存在不同的文件格式。 它允许您调整图像大小两种尺寸一次。 批次Pro是一个基于Windows的批量图像处理器,从而满足不断增长的需求的数字摄影师在大心脏。 如果你需要一个快速和容易的图像,批量调整和重新命名一个巨大的补丁程序! Pro是为您服务。 



作出批次Pro是一个简单易用的应用程序。 所有你需要做的是加载图像,设置必要的转换过程,并单击“开始”,让它做所有的工作。 在几分钟内,你将已经完成,你会采取什么几小时或几天才能实现。 

所有新批临V5现在有两个变种,同时支持64位和32位的Windows,包括最新的Windows 8。 64位变异的速度和内存寻址,它允许你更快,更大的图像处理的优势。 

全新的界面设计,以支持新的Windows 8触摸支持,可用于在Windows 8片。


iRedSoft Batch It! Pro 5.0.9 | 16.3 MB

Batch Image Processor which supports advance image manipulation functions such as image resizing,caption and watermarking and the ability to save in different file formats. It allows you to resize images in two sizes at one time. Batch It Pro is at heart a Windows based Batch Image Processor which caters to the growing needs of the digital photographers at large. If you require a quick and easy program to resize and rename a huge patch of images, Batch It! Pro is there for you.


System Minimum Requirements
Pentium 4, 1gb RAM, Windows XP SP3, 20mb Harddisk Space
64 Bit Support – Windows 8 (64 Bit), Windows 7 (64 Bit), Windows Vista (64 Bit), Windows Server 2012 (64 Bit) and Windows Server 2008 (64 Bit)
32 Bit Support – Both 32 Bit and 64 Bit of Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP SP3, Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2008

Home Page – http://www.batchimage.com/product/batchitpro/


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