
Schlumberger Symmetry 2023.2 x86/x64

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一款专业多功能建模和分析软件,可以捕获模型从油藏到产品分销的各个方面,它为用户提供了丰富实用的功能模组, 可以根据用户的工程需求来调整相应的流程.

x86,x64 | File Size: 1.69 GB

Symmetry, a process software platform, is a comprehensive simulator that captures all aspects of your models from reservoir to product distribution. The Symmetry platform is built using VMG’s industry proven simulation technologies that have been optimized to scale to your engineering needs. The Symmetry platform uniquely integrates the modeling of fields, pipe networks, process plants and flare systems, providing an unprecedented level of collaboration. The Symmetry platform is designed with flexibility in mind. It can be used to model a specific application or to create a comprehensive model that may span from the field through different types of facilities. Everything using a consistent thermodynamic engine. If you are a VMGSim user you will feel right at home since the Symmetry platform builds upon familiar workflows and a powerful core of process simulation technology that comes from VMGSim.

Each flowsheet in a simulation model can be solved in steady state or dynamics, and different types of flowsheets provide tailored workspaces for models of processing facilities, pipe networks or flare systems. The steady state solver in the pipe and flare workspaces provides a unique combination of a pressure flow network solver and a sequential solver depending on the specifications. The Symmetry platform’s tailored workspaces include: VMGSim (World-class process simulation for facilities and plants); Pipe (Rigorous dynamic and steady-state multiphase modeling for complex pipe networks); Flare (All-inclusive relief system analysis with integrated PSV, network header and stack design); Field (Fully integrated gas reservoir and multiphase gathering system with forecasting functionality).

The VMGSim (Process), Pipe and Flare workspaces share the same proces platform therefore they share the same extensive set of tools including regression, an optimizer, economics, connectivity and fluid characterization. The thermodynamic engine is consistent across the entire simulator and becomes a critical component of an integrated simulation model. Workspaces are tailored with specific features and views to promote common workflows and increase productivity. The flexible design of the Symmetry platform enables users to create simulations for a wide variety of applications and uses, from conceptual design to optimization and debottlenecking. The versatility of the Symmetry platform makes it the perfect tool for desktop work or for Industry 4.0 implementations.

System Requirements
OS:Windows 10 (64-bit)
-Microsoft Visio Standard Edition 2016 (64-bit)
-Microsoft Excel 2016 (64-bit)
-CPU:Intel Core i7 @ 3.0+ GHz or faster processor
-Memory:16 GB RAM
-Space:6 GB free disk space (64-bit installation)
-Display:Monitor resolution 1920×1080



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