
Luminar Neo 1.12.0 MacOS

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很多人会认为后制是一个很复杂很难学习的一个课题,但其实随着科技的进步,现在的软件已经十分智能,如果我们需要局部加光相片某一些部份,例如人像,以往我们用Photoshop 需要独立用不同的设定不同的遮色片来调校,但当使用Luminar NEO,通过Re-Light AI,只需要推动控制杆控制杆,便能即时调校。除此之外,软件亦针对不同的拍摄题材,例如风景、人像、微距、街拍等等的摄影题材,提供不同的人工智能功能,让我们简单地可以创作不同的拍摄效果,这些都是科技带来的方便,只需要几个步骤,便能即时改变相片,节省了不少时间。

Luminar Neo 比Adobe Lightroom / Photoshop 比较有什么优胜之处?

Luminar AI 比Lightroom / Photoshop 有很多优胜之处,以下列出其中一些Fotobeginner 导师觉得重要的:

  • 价格便宜,一次性付款, 不用缴交月费
  • 独立运作,不用安装其他软件辅助
  • 更加简洁的介面,让新手容易学习
  • 独有的人工智能功能,能自动识别相片,令后制更加简易
  • 除了人工智能外,也同时提供了进阶的制作功能,例如图层(Layer)

Luminar NEO 功能

  • AI传感器除尘 – 移除相片中因感光元件污糟而产生的黑色尘点
  • Re-Light AI – 身体 AI – 软件会自动识别相中的主体及背景,你可以分别局部调光
  • 人像背景去除 AI – 软件会自动识别相片中的人物,令你可以轻易将背景移除或更换其他背景
  • 人工智能掩蔽 – 通过识别图像中的物件并创建精确的遮色片来自动化选取过程
  • AI 电源线拆除  – 自动识别相中的电线并作出移除
  • 散景AI (Bokeh AI) –模拟高品质镜头的惊人背景模糊度。
  • 身体AI (Body AI) –使身体显得更轻盈或在需要时增加体重,以获得逼真的惊艳效果。
  • 人脸人工智能 –自然改善脸部,增强嘴唇,牙齿;删除多余的黑眼圈等等。
  • 皮肤AI (Skin AI) –立即清除斑点,同时保留毛孔,质地和头发。
  • 天空AI (Sky AI) –在几秒钟内改变照片中的天空,营造出全新的心情。
  • 色彩协调(Color Harmony) –完全控制色彩深度并优化色彩以达到平衡。
  • 超对比度(Supercontrast) –使用六个控件来精确调整色调,这些控件跨越高光,中间色调和阴影。
  • 情调(Mood) –使用我们的心情工具让色彩栩栩如生。 试用新的调色板来改变图像的风格和情感。

Language: Multilingual | File size: 5.1 GB

Luminar Neo is an AI-driven creative image editor. A creative image editor to bring your ideas to life. Have you ever wanted to achieve more with your images? Luminar Neo is an innovative image editor powered by AI technologies of the future that simplifies complex editing routines and enables creators to bring their boldest ideas to life. And enjoy it.

Control the light in 3D space with RelightAI
Relight backlit photos or darkened images in a click with the RelightAI feature. Luminar Neo calculates the depth of a photo and creates a 3D map, making it possible to spread light naturally in 3D space across a 2D image. You can also relight the background and foreground separately — meaning you can darken parts of the image as well. This opens up an opportunity for creative relighting in order to bring your artistic vision to life.

Remove messy powerlines with AI
Automatically remove distracting elements in your cityscapes, urban landscapes or travel photos. Get a clear sky with no cluttered phone or power lines.
Unleash your creativity with Layers and AI Masking
Use both MaskAI and Layers for limitless creativity. MaskAI automates the masking process by identifying objects in the image and creating precise masks.

You can always manually refine those masks with a brush if you choose to. Layers open up a whole new level of creative expression, with endless possibilities for adding objects, textures, watermarks, and any other graphics to your images.

Replace the sky in one click
Cutting-edge sky replacement technology with water reflections, sky positioning, and human-aware relighting to match the new sky.
Lightning-fast creative editing with an all-new image engine.
Designed as a module system its parts now can be optimized separately, for the best performance.

Supported Operation Systems
macOS 10.14.6 or later



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