
近地联盟先遣队 N O V A 3 – Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance v1.0.6 AnDrOiD-P2P

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Gameloft 出品,著名的第一人称科幻射击游戏《N.O.V.A.》系列的三代续作 《N.O.V.A. 3 – Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance》,官方中文译名为《N.O.V.A 3 近地联盟先遣队》。
游戏的故事背景设置在未来的宇宙中,在此纪元作为人们第一故乡的母星地球已经因为人为的破坏而导致生态完全破坏,在不甘和无奈的情况下人们只好搬离故乡移往人造的太空空间 - 近地轨道卫星群间生活,并以此为根据建立起统一的政治组织「近地联盟」。


而最重要的多人联机方面,玩家可透过Gameloft Live 或Wifi 联机在六张地图中,透过创建或加入他人的房间进行最多12 人的对战。


** 请注意,下载《N.O.V.A.3:近轨道先锋联盟》需要 2GB 内存空间。**


• 史诗剧情:人类放逐多年,终于重回地球! 挑战 10 个画面震撼的关卡,从颓垣败瓦的地球走到冰封的沃特力城市,横跨整个银河系。
• 多种武器及破坏力选择:奔跑、射击、驾驶车辆,以及操控机械人击败大量敌人。
• 参与12 人战斗,在 6张不同地图上体验 6 种多人游戏模式(争夺据点、自由搏斗、争夺旗帜等)。
• 多名外星人首次可跳进同一车内,令战斗更具杀伤力。
• 探索全新第一人称射击游戏代表作,体验崭新画质与游戏内容(采用光影拟真、粒子系统、RagdollPhysics 技术等)。
专为热爱 N.O.V.A. 系列、第一人称射击及免费 android 游戏的玩家设计。


P2P group has released the new sci-fi game “N O V A 3 – Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance” for Android. Beautiful immerse game with a great storyline runs beautifully online without lag. It required Android 2.2+

Description: Four months have passed since Kal ruined the Volterites’ plans by sabotaging their war factories, and stopping the extraction of the Judger Artifacts. However, following the assassination of President Folsom, the government surrendered the colonies to the Volterite Protectorate in order to prevent civil war. Kal Wardin has been laying low since Folsom’s death, but now he has received a desperate plea from Yelena to come to Earth. Once again, the hero must rise to save mankind!



  • Fight in 10 immersive levels across the galaxy, from a war-torn Earth to a frozen Volterite city.
  • Multiple weapons and powers: Run, shoot, drive vehicles, and pilot a mech to defeat your enemies
  • Join 12-player battles in 6 multiplayer modes (Capture the Point, Free-for-All, etc.) on 6 maps.
  • Multiple allies can jump inside the same vehicle and spread destruction on the battlefield.
  • Discover the new FPS benchmark for graphics and gameplay (particle system, ragdoll physics, etc.)


Release Name: N O V A 3 – Near Orbit Vanguard Alliance v1.0.6-AnDrOiD-P2P
Size: 1.84 GB
Links: Homepage


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