
Luxology Modo 7.0.1 SP2 Windows/MacOSX/Linux 顶级三维建模软件

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顶级三维建模软件, 高级多边形和次细分表面造型工具,应用程序最新版。可应用于电影、游戏、电视等其他行业. Modo结合了高级实时次细分表面技术引擎,其灵活的用户界面及工具集,可创建各种形式的模型。Modo 201明显地提高了工作速度和效率,并为了适应3D设计工业而完全整合了建模、绘制和渲染技术:使复杂的网格可以使用真实的网格实例进行简化;使用UV Unwrap和Solid Sketch创建的UV贴图允许快速地创建出SDS网格和Mesh Paint,以便在现有的网格表面上绘制出几何体细节;直观的绘制工具支持热交换笔刷、墨水、喷嘴和衰减;参数化的墨水、实时的凹凸贴图绘制和最新的遮罩制作方式可以精确地控制纹理制作;带有一个Photoshop插件可以帮助用户处理图像或程序纹理的创建;优化了全局照明、为了在渲染过程中保持能量守恒而采用基于物理学的明暗选项、菲涅尔效果、各项异性和次表面散射;真实的微多边形置换和大多边形渲染;使用高级OpenGL灯光和明暗(包括每像素明暗、多重纹理和实时凹凸贴图)进行OpenGL加速以改进工作流程。


Luxology Modo 7.0.1 SP2 (Windows/MacOSX/Linux) | 202/185.9/198.7 Mb

MODO from Luxology delivers the next evolution of 3D modeling, painting and rendering in a single integrated and accelerated package for the Mac and PC. And now, MODO is a true end-to-end solution that includes true 3D sculpting tools, animation and network rendering! More than just features, MODO is a truly elegant integration of technology, raw horsepower and refined workflow.

MODO 701 – the next generation of 3D content creation – offers a true end-to-end solution with the versatility artists require, at an affordable price. Perfected by community feedback, MODO 701 delivers enhanced tools in animation, dynamics, modeling, rendering and pipeline integration, plus a new procedural particle engine with easy to use presets and soon to be released Linux operating system support.

MODO Features

The next generation of 3D content creation
MODO 701 delivers the next generation of 3D modeling, sculpting, animation, effects and rendering in a single integrated and affordable package for Mac, Windows and soon to be released Linux operating system. MODO 701 is an end-to-end solution offering an elegant realization of technology, raw horsepower and refined workflows.

MODO Animation
Animating in MODO comes naturally as the modeling and animation tools work hand in hand. The same tools used in modeling are directly leveraged in the animation system. As you create in MODO, time is just another dimension for you to draw upon. Use MODO to create precise mechanical animations or fully articulated skinned characters.

MODO Modeling
MODO has the fastest, most advanced polygonal and subdivision surface 3D modeler anywhere. MODO’s flexible modeling tools are ideal for precision modeling of mechanical and architectural designs, and for freeform organic modeling of virtually any shape. Integrated multi-res sculpting tools work alongside traditional modeling tools to offer a superior modeling experience as well as providing unique workflows for ZBrush users.

MODO Painting
MODO’s paint tools provide one of the most natural painting experiences in 3D. Multi-threaded performance, a refined user interface, world-class tools and the ability to paint directly on any image in the Shader Tree make painting in MODO a breeze.

MODO Rendering
MODO 701 is equipped with one of the world’s great renderers for creating gorgeous images and animations – and for baking out everything from HDRI files to textures for game engines. The Luxology renderer is provided as both a final render engine and as an optimized progressive refinement system that updates nearly instantly as you model, paint or change any item property within MODO. The renderer is an over-achiever that offers that rare blend of speed and quality, and includes UNLIMITED network rendering on Mac, Windows and Linux platforms.

MODO Sculpting
In MODO, sculpting and traditional modeling are brought together in one application. When you need sculpting tools, they are always right at hand. Together, the combination of modeling and sculpting tools in a single application delivers a uniquely powerful 3D modeling experience.

MODO 701 System Requirements

General System Requirements for MODO 701 (Minimum)
– 2 GB RAM minimum
– 2 GB available hard disk space for full content installation
– Mouse or pointing device, including pressure sensitive tablets or 3Dconnexion 3D mouse 
– OpenGL 2.0 accelerated graphics, at least 1280 x 800 resolution
– Internet connection required for product activation and to access online videos

Windows® Requirements (minimum)
– Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and 8 (only 64-bit supported)
– Intel Xeon/Core 2 Duo, Quad/Core i7 or AMD Opteron/ Phenom processor(s). Must support SSE2 instruction set.

Macintosh® Requirements (minimum)
– Mac® OS X 10.6.8 or later (only 64-bit supported)
– Intel processor(s), Core2Duo processor or higher.
Note: MODO 701 does support full screen on Mountain Lion or higher

Home Page – http://www.luxology.com/modo/

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LUXOLOGY_MODO_V7.0.1_SP2-XFORCE.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/26028317
LUXOLOGY_MODO_V7.0.1_SP2_LINUX-XFORCE.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/26028318
LUXOLOGY_MODO_V7.0.1_SP2_MACOSX-XFORCE.rar: http://www.t00y.com/file/26028319

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