
Ittle Dew-FAS 吃人的女孩

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《Ittle Dew》是由开发商 Link 推出的一款 RPG 新作,与之前任天堂推出的《塞尔达传说》,在画面风格和玩法上都十分相似。说起这家开发商,其实他早期开发的作品,都是偏儿童游戏类型,这次的新作是一次大的转型。

  如果只看游戏的画面,你会觉得这是一款十分清新、有爱的游戏,但其实,游戏中的主角 Ittle Dew 却是一个非常邪恶的存在,她拥有着喜欢吃人心脏的嗜好。在游戏中,当你一旦开始操作她,也就意味着,你会去袭击村民、抢劫村庄、杀害各种小动物,是不是相当奇葩的世界观定位?


Another Zelda like for PC Windows brought to us by scene group FAS.

Adventuress Ittle Dew and her sidekick Tippsie crash onto a strange island, filled with loot and mysterious inhabitants. It quickly dawns on the duo that this might become their biggest adventure yet.

Ittle Dew boils down the classic adventure formula until there is only fun left. Experience devious puzzles, timeless gameplay and lots of exploration!


  • Lots of secrets and shortcuts to explore
  • Combine your tools in ingenious ways
  • Beautiful hand-drawn HD wobble graphics
  • 5 hours gameplay and lots of replay value
  • Speedrunners welcome, with Leaderboards for all the ways you can break the game

Developer: Screwfly StudiosLudosity
Publisher: Ludosity
Genre: Adventure, Indie

Release name: Ittle_Dew-FAS
Size: 81MB in 17F
Links: Homepage 


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