
MIA Laboratories 990 Spark Multiband 1.0.0

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MIA Laboratories推出了一款饱和效果器:990 Spark Multiband,这是一款四频段饱和单元,为用户提供高精度和极具创造力的音频处理体验。

990 Spark Multiband将信号分为四个频段,结合三个强大的声音处理模块,分别是压缩器、均衡器和饱和器,插件通过饱和效果来塑造声音,提供从温和的温暖感到强烈的失真效果。这种独特的协同方式使用户能够精确而富有创造力地雕刻声音,为声音添加丰富的饱和效果。

990 Spark Multiband的核心是一个精心设计的饱和算法组合,包括二极管、三极管和五极管的电路仿真,而压缩器和均衡器模块提供了平衡动态和频谱特性的能力。用户可以为每个频段选择16种饱和算法、4种受MIA著名压缩器925、409、Compressor ONE启发的压缩器类型,以及8种滤波器。插件还提供Musiqual EQ,以及基本的高通、低通、峰值、搁架滤波器功能。 插件每个频段的压缩器、均衡器和饱和模块都可以随意重新排列。

990 Spark Multiband特点:

  • 四频段饱和处理
  • 每个频段都可以选择各种的饱和算法、压缩器类型和滤波器
  • 可自由排列每个频段的压缩器、均衡器和饱和器

File size: 4.1 MB

990 Spark Multiband is an advanced 4-band saturator unit, based on three core modules: Compressor, EQ, and Saturator. This unique synergy enables users to sculpt their sound with precision and creativity, unlocking a rich spectrum of saturation effects, from subtle warmth to bold distortion.

In the core of 990 Spark lies a suite of carefully crafted saturation algorithms, including emulations of Diode, Triode, and Pentode circuits, while the Compressor and EQ modules provide the ability to balance dynamics and spectral characteristics. Within each band, users can select from 16 saturation algorithms, 4 compressor types inspired by MIA’s renowned compressors (925, 409, Compressor ONE), and 8 filters, including Musiqual EQs (Red, Green, Blue), along with the essential filter options (HP/LP/Peak/Shelving filters).

The Compressor, EQ and Saturation modules can be rearranged at will within each band, offering unique control and opening up a world of sonic possibilities. Whether in electronic music production, live sound engineering, or acoustic applications, 990 Spark Multiband serves as an invaluable tool for audio professionals, offering detailed control and creative expression, while enriching audio content with depth and character.


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