Adobe InCopy 紧密集成 Adobe InDesign , 是为作家、编辑、设计师等创意人员协同工作流,增强专业写作和编辑的专业软件。全新的CC版本采用了更加现代的UI设计,增加了对HIDPI和Retina显示屏的支持;增强了字体搜索功能和灵活的页面访问,更加精确字数,随心同步字体,让你的工作更加方便灵活和惬意!
File size: 898 MB
InCopy. Collaborate with copywriters and editors. InCopy lets copywriters and editors style text, track changes, and make simple layout modifications to a document while designers work on the same document simultaneously in Adobe InDesign — all without overwriting each other’s contributions………….
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