
Steinberg WaveLab Pro 12.0.30 x64

Steinberg dsgsd 91浏览 0评论

WaveLab Pro 12有着全新的工作流程,可以为你节省大量宝贵的时间,还有80多个新功能和改进,包括支持ARA技术可以无缝跟其他DAW软件协同工作。

WaveLab 12主要新特性:

  • WaveLab集成到你的DAW里:通过支持ARA技术,你现在可以直接在支持ARA技术的DAW里直接使用WaveLab的编辑器和工具
  • 多色波形:现在可以直接看到多种颜色视觉化的波形,不同颜色表示了不同的频谱成分
  • 拖拽操作:直接通过拖拽音频区域到其他DAW里就可以完成文件交换,可以选择是否加效果
  • 响度分析和报告:直接生成个性化的报告,包含响度和峰值的各种细节
  • 响度匹配:可以直接对Audio Montage输出的声音去匹配一个参考音轨,也可以反过来,比如可以精确对参考音轨和母带后的音频做A/B对比
  • 自动瞬时电平标记:可以自动标记出瞬时电平点和释放点,方便后期操作
  • 视觉分析:可以直接看到音频文件和montage的频谱细节
  • 新的启动助手:打开工程后可以看到新的启动助手,提供功能更丰富的工程管理和网页内容显示
  • 简化的Audio Montage素材管理:简化了audio montage的管理,有着更清晰的结构
  • 扩展的音质保证:新的Null测试音轨可以帮你用音频测量工具来确保音质
  • 新插件:SampleAlign, BlackValve, VoxComp, Raiser, EQ-P1A 和 EQ-M5
  • 另外还有60多个新功能

File Size: 246.2 MB

Mastering is one of the most important parts of the music production process. It is a unique art and, for 25 years, WaveLab has been the number one choice for mastering professionals. WaveLab is a complete mastering solution, with every tool that you will ever need to cover your workflow from start to finish.

With the support of a global network of mastering engineers who all use it, WaveLab is the key to making every aspect of your masters truly professional.
High-end mastering and editing for digital distribution, CD, Vinyl and more
Assemble different tracks to create an entire album
Exceptional metering, real-time FX, offline processors, restoration tools
Flexible integration of external hardware effects

The biggest ever release for audio mastering
With close to 80 new features and improvements, WaveLab 12 is the biggest ever release for audio mastering and editing. The best choice for world-class mastering facilities, music studios, and ambitious hobbyists alike, WaveLab 12’s array of state-of-the-art tools has something for everyone working with music and sound.


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