
Siemens Simcenter HEEDS MDO 2404.0001 x64

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Siemens Simcenter HEEDS MDO 2404.0

HEEDS ® MDO 2404——多学科设计优化软件

多学科 不论是结构问题(线性或非线性,静态或动态,散装材料或复合材料)、流体问题、热力学问题, 或者声学问题、NVH问题、动力学问题以及同时存在以上几项问题,HEEDS MDO都可以帮助用户寻找最佳解决方案。 易于使用的界面 虽然HEEDS MDO使用的技术很复杂,但是软件用户界面友好。它特有的选项卡界面可以使用户明确项目建立和执行的六个过程。 与诸多CAE工具的连接 HEEDS MDO与所有常用的CAE应用软件均有接口,使设计优化过程自动化。它还能调用多种软 件工具进行前处理,后处理,分析计算和多学科优化。HEEDS MDO为以下工具提供输入和输出接口:  Abaqus  ANSYS WB  Excel  LS-DYNA  Nastran
 NX  Solidworks  SW Simulation 另外,HEEDS MDO提供一种通用接口生成ASCII格式的输入输出文件,从而可以连接所有商业或 者私有CAE工具。如果您不确定您的工具是否与HEEDS MDO兼容,可以联系我们。 独有的优化技术 HEEDS MDO默认的研发方式-SHERPA采用多重研发策略,可以动态和实时的随着优化范围的变化调整针对问题的研发方式。用户可以利用HEEDS软件进行众多的分析,快速确定优化空间,省去了众多的试验费用及时间;从大量的模型参数中提取出敏感参数,并对敏感性参数进行评估;对模型的健壮性和可靠性进行评估。通过对模型参数的优化,达到减少模型质量与成本的目的。 通过HEED优化分析,车身减重33.5kg
并行优化技术 HEEDS PARALLEL通过同时提交多个方案给不同的处理器,提高优化速度,且速度提高与硬件及软件资源几乎是线性的关系。 典型应用 BD公司:使用HEEDS MDO结合有限元方法对医疗器械设计进行优化和评估。 PRATT & MILLER:使用HEEDS MDO优化军用重型汽车底盘组件参数,为赛车优化齿轮速比,优化赛车悬挂系统的球形连接头。

Siemens Simcenter HEEDS MDO 2404| 2.1 Gb
Languages Supported: english, 中文, 日本語

The HEEDS Design Exploration Team at Siemens Digital Industries Software, has released HEEDS MDO 2404.0. The release brings significant enhancements that accelerate your product development processes.

What’s new in HEEDS 2404

In this release, HEEDS Team have significantly enhanced three key pillars of the HEEDS technologies, namely remote execution, re-use of data, and portals. These technologies improve productivity and reliability of HEEDS automation for your engineering design tasks.

Our remote execution has been improved to effectively manage network instabilities, increase security, and offer even greater flexibility in customization and troubleshooting. We’ve made gatewaying to your intended hardware faster, more seamless, while ensuring you can have even greater confidence in the security of doing so.

It is now also easier and faster to combine and re-use data coming from different studies and projects thanks to a considerable performance enhancement of the Find Designs capability. Re-using data is now simpler and smoother than ever before.

Now our Linux users can also enjoy a cross-platform authoring and tagging capability, where Windows resources can be leveraged seamlessly for parsing tools not available on the Linux resource where HEEDS resides. This combined with continuous improvements to our existing portals and a new engineering costing tool portal, SEER, brings even greater flexibility to how you use your favorite CAD, CAE tools with HEEDS.

HEEDS 2404 also offers several other new features and updates that continue to streamline design space exploration. We are confident that these updates will help you to continue to drive innovation in product development and discover better designs, faster!

Note: For the full list of new and improved features, please refer to the release notes located in the folder of your HEEDS 2404.

Siemens HEEDS (High-Performance Engineering Exploration and Design Optimization Software) is a computer-aided engineering software platform for multi-disciplinary design optimization and design exploration. It helps engineers and designers to quickly evaluate the performance of multiple design alternatives, identify the best design, and optimize designs to meet performance requirements. HEEDS integrates with other Siemens software tools, such as NX and Simcenter, to provide a comprehensive solution for design optimization and exploration.

For many companies, design for AM extends no further than structural topology optimization—developing the lightest weight part within a design envelope to meet structural load requirements. The problem is, most parts must fulfill a host of engineering and business objectives, from fluid flow, thermal and vibration requirements to cost demands. It’s one thing to optimize a part for one objective, but how can you optimize for several objectives all at once—while meeting your deadline?
Siemens Digital Industries Software is a leading global provider of product life cycle management (PLM) software and services with 7 million licensed seats and 71,000 customers worldwide. Headquartered in Plano, Texas, Siemens Digital Industries Software works collaboratively with companies to deliver open solutions that help them turn more ideas into successful products.

Owner: Siemens PLM Software
Product Name: Simcenter HEEDS MDO
Version: 2404
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : https://plm.sw.siemens.com/
Languages Supported: multilanguage
System Requirements: Windows
Size: 2.1 Gb



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