
Dawesome Kult v1.18

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Tracktion推出Kult,这是一款与Peter V(又名Dawesome)合作的软件合成器。Peter V曾与Tracktion合作开发了广受好评的Novum、Abyss和Chop Suey等插件。这款最新产品使用了AM、FM合成方法,并提供了大量视觉反馈。Tracktion说,这对那些以前可能难以理解调频合成原理的人来说,是一款完美的产品。

Tracktion Kult AM/FM合成器AU VST3插件

Kult的声音是由一对振荡器产生的,Tracktion称之为Strange Attractors,它提供了30多个波形模型,从经典的波形到 “混乱的波形”,所有这些都在GUI中以2D曲线形式直观呈现。Tracktion决定不在插件中加入第三个振荡器,因为它们觉得,插件的复杂性,已经提供了各种各样的声音变化和调制可能。在许多情况下,一个振荡器都可能是绰绰有余的。


File size: 240 MB

A Mesmerising Development in Synthesis
Pushing the boundaries of technology and synthesis, KULT delivers fascinating, unique synth sounds. From warm to cold, from soft to hard, from familiar to alien, from vintage to futuristic: it’s alive.

Strangely Attractive
Two hearts are found beating in the chest of KULT. These independent and immensely powerful oscillators are based on the mathematical theory of chaos “Strange Attractors” – and there are more than 30 models to choose from, ranging from classical waveforms to chaotic sculptures. Innovative sound shaping options allow for organic overtones – a paradise for west-coast buchla-style synthesis enthusiasts.

The Geometric Beauty of Sound
The sound engine of KULT represents and sculpts sound as curves in a 2D space – this innovative approach to synthesis allows unprecedented possibilities to shape the sound. The real magic when designing sounds comes from the mesmerizing visual feedback. Ever struggled to really understand FM synthesis? Try it in KULT and you will be enlightened!

Bringing the Best of Classical Synthesis
The unique OSCs in KULT can create a vast range of sonic timbres. Their sound can be further shaped with intuitive FM and AM synthesis interact beautifully with the natural, organic sources. The expanded filter section features a formant filter per voice, two comb filters that are driven by a distortion stage, and an analog filter with two coupled stages.

Get in Tune with the Magic
Allow yourself to be enchanted by KULT and immerse yourself in its possibilities. It is exactly the kind of satisfying instrument that gives you the fresh inspiration you and your music deserve.

Full Specs
Two unique oscillators with innovative sound shaping parameters.
More than 30 oscillator models to choose from.
FM synthesis (Frequency modulation).
AM synthesis (Amplitude modulation).

Complex filter section with Formant Filter, 2x Comb Filter and 2x Analog Filter.
Creative arpeggiator.
Full MPE support.
Powerful and intuitive modulation system.




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