
TextSoap 9.4.3 MacOS

MacOSX dsgsd 37浏览 0评论

一款Mac平台的文本格式清除工具,它不仅可以清除文本中的任意类型格式,还可以对文本进行格式处理,包括默认的清除格式制作纯文本(Plain Text),清除特殊字符,更改文字大小写(Capitalize),转换url为超链接(Hyperlinks)等操作。该工具给出了多种主题性很强的格式操作Group,比如有“Standard”,“Basic”,“E-Mail”,“Markdown”,“HTML”,“Plist”等十余种,每一种Group都是给特定目标文档设计的格式操作集,当然,你也可以自定义Group来制作适合自己需求的操作集。

File size: 18 MB

Automatically remove unwanted characters, fix messed up carriage returns, and pretty much anything else you can imagine. Save time & effort. Be more productive.

Stop manually fixing text documents and emails. TextSoap can automate away all that tediousness. Download the trial now.

– Clean Interface
– Integrated Text Editor
– 100+ Built-in Cleaners
– Powerful Regular Expression Support
– Custom Cleaners for customized solutions
– Custom Grouping for personal organization
– TextSoap Menu integrates into your favorite app
– AppleScript support

Supported Operation Systems
macOS 10.15 or later


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