
Siemens Simcenter ROM (Reduced Oder Modeling) 2404.0 x64

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一款利用高保真仿真和测试数据来训练和验证 AI/ML 模型的新软件。然后,这些模型使工程师能够在几分之一秒内执行预测,从而改变工程专业人员进行仿真的方式。

构建和导出降阶模型 (ROM)

数字孪生是产品或流程的虚拟表征。无论是基于物理特性还是以数据为主导,全面的数字孪生皆可赋能实现设计优化,在资产运作时提供各类服务。从设计视角出发,在一维、三维或计算流体动力学 (CFD) 仿真工具中创建的数字孪生主要用于设计分析和优化。数字孪生通常专用于准确预测一组受限的属性。

降阶模型仅传达其核心属性,在更广义的范畴内评估数字孪生的价值。有了 Simcenter Amesim ROM Builder,构建和导出 ROM 目前对所有人员可用。该工具透过简洁直观的界面提供机器学习、线性代数和统计学等上乘降阶技术功能。

File Size: 1.4 GB

Simcenter ROM (Reduced Order Modeling) is an easy-to-use platform for creating, validating, and exporting reduced order models (ROMs) from simulation and test data.

Open platform for ROM

Use high-fidelity simulation or test data from any source for ultra-fast predictions, enabling faster decision making, collaborative modeling, and real-time applications including control and monitoring.

Easy to use for experts and non-experts
Access a wide range of best-in-class data science methods, from control theory to neural networks and artificial intelligence (AI). Easily train different ROMs and compare them using performance metrics with a simple, no-code user interface.

Integration with Simcenter
Simcenter Reduced Order Modeling easily exchanges data and models with Simcenter simulation and physical testing tools, and supports neutral formats for data import and model export.

Simcenter Reduced Order Modeling Capabilities
Best-in-class methods for model order reduction

Data reduction methods are a very active area of ​​research today and are used for a variety of tasks in engineering and data science. Simcenter Reduced Order Modeling offers methods that are most suitable for CAE applications, from response surface models to neural networks, AI, and machine learning (ML).

An intuitive user interface and setup wizard deliver these best-in-class methods through an automated workflow, allowing the user to focus on the application.

Applicable in any engineering fields
Leverage ROM using any form of simulation or test data—from fluids and thermal, mechanical, system simulation, or physical test data. Simcenter Reduced Order Modeling can import and analyze data from any source, yet seamlessly integrates with the Simcenter portfolio of tools.

Provides an end-to-end workflow
Simcenter Reduced Order Modeling guides you through the end-to-end ROM creation process. A single interface manages the workflow from data import, through model selection, training and validation, to export.

Different workflows are suitable for both experts and non-experts. Not sure which data reduction method provides the best performance for your application? Automatic model deployment tunes and trains all suitable methods and ranks them using standard performance metrics

Universal export
Export ROMs to multiple targets, including FMI, ONNX, and Amesim, with a single click. Exported models are tool-independent and do not require a license or solver to run, making them a cost-effective way to speed up modeling workflows, as well as a reliable and secure means of sharing models with colleagues and clients.





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