
Siemens Simcenter ROM (Reduced Oder Modeling) 2310.0

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Siemens Simcenter ROM (Reduced Oder Modeling) 2310.0
一款利用高保真仿真和测试数据来训练和验证 AI/ML 模型的新软件。然后,这些模型使工程师能够在几分之一秒内执行预测,从而改变工程专业人员进行仿真的方式。

构建和导出降阶模型 (ROM)

数字孪生是产品或流程的虚拟表征。无论是基于物理特性还是以数据为主导,全面的数字孪生皆可赋能实现设计优化,在资产运作时提供各类服务。从设计视角出发,在一维、三维或计算流体动力学 (CFD) 仿真工具中创建的数字孪生主要用于设计分析和优化。数字孪生通常专用于准确预测一组受限的属性。

降阶模型仅传达其核心属性,在更广义的范畴内评估数字孪生的价值。有了 Simcenter Amesim ROM Builder,构建和导出 ROM 目前对所有人员可用。该工具透过简洁直观的界面提供机器学习、线性代数和统计学等上乘降阶技术功能。

Siemens Simcenter ROM (Reduced Oder Modeling) 2310.0 | 1.3 Gb

Siemens Digital Industries Software introduces Simcenter Reduced Order Modeling, new software that harnesses high-fidelity simulation and test data to train and validate AI/ML models. These models then enable engineers to perform predictions in a fraction of a second, transforming the way engineering professionals approach simulation.

Key Advantages:
Speed and precision: Simcenter Reduced Order Modeling uses high-fidelity data to empower engineers to gain rapid predictions and to make critical decisions in a fraction of the time it would take using conventional methods.
Predictive performance: By training AI/ML models on comprehensive datasets, this technology enables engineers to gain robust, reliable, and trustworthy insights, helping to eliminate the common issue of AI drift.

Introducing Simcenter Reduced Order Modeling

It’s no exaggeration to say that digital twin models have revolutionized the way we design products and processes today. Analysis in the virtual world of CAD and CAE has given designers much greater insight into the way things work and how to find better solutions to design challenges.

But high fidelity CAE simulation is an expert domain, and although those simulations might contain highly valuable intelligence about product performance that could be really useful upstream or downstream of that detailed design step, the models generally end up in the corner of a filesystem, gathering virtual dust.

Time to turbocharge your simulation and test data
Model order reduction, the process of creating a reduced order model, or ROM, is a way of turning performance data obtained through a simulation or test campaign into a super-fast prediction machine. You put parameter in one side and get instant performance metrics out the other. The neat thing about a ROM is that it is conveniently packaged in such a way as it can be dropped into another simulation model or workflow to serve as a very fast running surrogate of a larger model, or it can be shared with colleagues, suppliers or customers for easy execution in a different context.
Simcenter Reduced Order Modeling is for everyone
Model order reduction (MOR) is an active area of research in industry and academia, with a continually advancing state-of-the-art. One of the fundamental aims of Simcenter Reduced Order Modeling is to make that valuable technology accessible and useful for a broad engineering audience. It offers a robust wizard for ROM creation, taking you through the process of importing data, selecting, training, and validating a model, and exporting in the format you need. All delivered through an easy to use, no-code interface. Simcenter Reduced Order Modeling includes carefully selected MOR methods which are well suited to CAE applications, from linear algebra to control theory, neural networks, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). How are you supposed to choose? The tool also helps with that, with a powerful ‘model sweep’ option which trains multiple models for you and guides you through their suitability using a range of performance metrics.

Model order reduction in Simcenter – an evolutionary journey
Originally developed as an add-on for systems simulation and design exploration (you may be familiar with Simcenter ROM Builder in the context of Simcenter Amesim or HEEDS), the reduced order modeling technology in Simcenter has grown significantly over recent months and years. So significantly, in fact, that its applicability is now far beyond the domains of systems simulation models or facilitating faster design exploration studies. Many of the new capabilities are geared towards leveraging ROM with 3D CAE methods like CFD.
ROM toolbox for Simcenter
Simcenter Reduced Order Modeling is an extension of the Simcenter Portfolio, enabling ROM creation from any simulation or data source. It can be connected to fluids and thermal, mechanical, systems or physical test. Or anywhere else, for that matter.

Simcenter Reduced Order Modeling provides simulation, testing, production, and service professionals with a fast and easy way to create, evaluate, and export ROMs—and thanks to its advanced automation, no additional expertise is needed. Also this solution enables you to capture data that represents a model or process and effortlessly generate a precise, lower-fidelity version of this information with just a few clicks. The resulting reduced models come with unique features: they have a small memory footprint, are tool-agnostic, and can be operated in real time. As such, using Simcenter Reduced Order Modeling unleashes the power of existing models and data to provide extra value for design and operations.

This on-demand webinar shows how to simplify even complex 3D models into reduced-order models (ROMs) that can be used in a system simulation model using Simcenter Reduced Order Modeling.
Siemens Digital Industries Software helps organizations of all sizes digitally transform using software, hardware and services from the Siemens Xcelerator business platform. Siemens’ software and the comprehensive digital twin enable companies to optimize their design, engineering and manufacturing processes to turn today’s ideas into the sustainable products of the future. From chips to entire systems, from product to process, across all industries.
Siemens Digital Industries (DI) is an innovation leader in automation and digitalization. Siemens Digital Industries has its global headquarters in Nuremberg, Germany, and has around 76,000 employees internationally.
Siemens AG (Berlin and Munich) is a leading technology company focused on industry, infrastructure, transport, and healthcare. From more resource-efficient factories, resilient supply chains, and smarter buildings and grids, to cleaner and more comfortable transportation as well as advanced healthcare, the company creates technology with purpose adding real value for customers.

Owner: Siemens AG
Product Name: Simcenter ROM (Reduced Oder Modeling)
Version: 2310.0
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page : https://plm.sw.siemens.com/
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows *
Size: 1.3 Gb



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