
Aurora DSP Rhino v1.6.0 MacOS

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Aurora DSP Rhino 是一款高级的吉他插件,它提供了从精致清晰的音色到沉重的音墙效果的广泛声音范围。这款插件专为实现单个插件内多种吉他声音而设计,无论是复古的温暖还是现代的重音,Rhino 都能提供。


  • 动态放大器建模:Rhino 提供了多种放大器模型,可以模拟各种吉他音色。
  • 先进的效果处理:包括失真、混响、延迟等效果,让你能够精确地塑造吉他的音色。
  • 用户友好的界面:直观的控制和简洁的布局使得调整和定制音色变得容易。
  • Jens Bogren 签名 IR 包:与 Bogren Digital 合作,提供 3 个来自著名金属制作人 Jens Bogren 的免费 IR(冲激响应),可在 Rhino 插件中使用。


Rhino The massive guitar plugin. Cross the borders of guitar sound
A powerful guitar plugin that rises to the challenge. From delicate, clean tones, all the way to the heaviest wall of sound filling the entire mix. Rhino advances a proven formula, containing everything that’s needed to achieve a wide spectrum of guitar sound, all within a single plugin. 7 sections for virtually unlimited range of sounds Each section can be expanded, revealing more controls, additional subsections and options. With all that, the Main Window stays clear and simple, allowing you to quickly make general adjustments.

There is no need to open your DAW to use Rhino. We do care about guitar players that simply want to have easy to use rig at fingertips. That is why we are providing standalone version of the plugin for everyone.

Easy and advanced
The Main Window is a hub for quick, all-around changes to the sound. Pick a preset, change a few main parameters and you’re ready to go. Expanded sections unveil the true power of Rhino, revealing options and parameters that open up a whole new world of guitar sound.

System Requirements
OSX: OSX 10.14 or higher.


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