
BABY Audio Spaced Out v1.6 MacOS

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Baby Audio的插件设计总是别具一格,他们最新发布了一款创意多功能混响插件 Spaced Out, 可生成平滑的具有创造性的混响、回声和延迟效果,该插件配有丰富的调节项、独特的排序方式和大量的内部自动化处理。
Space Out 是一款隐藏着野心的插件,为人们带来了一种具有现代感的复古型”空间回声”效果。该插件的界面布局分为三个部分。左侧Echoes (回声)部分的核心是一个16步进音序器,可对所生成的4种模式的回声/延迟效果进行排序,通过”持续”和”反馈”控件调整音序行为,此外还包括维度(关闭/超宽/移动)、质感(干净/古怪/磁带/lo-fi/朦胧)、反向(反向延迟反馈)和滤波器(经模拟建模的 高/低通滤波器),令人印象深刻的功能组合起来可产生近乎无限的效果。

右侧部分用于进一步处理,配有一个圆形的 X-Y Pad,用于在混响长度和调制参数之间做变形处理。可用的空间类型包括4种(无、小空间、中等空间和外太空),控制项包括Pre-Delay(预延迟)、Stardus(在混响尾部添加一层光泽)、Mellow(双阻尼滤波器)、Clean-Up(通过馈送改变的干信号来减小混响的分量和密度)和 Width(从宽广的立体声到单声道)。

中间部分用于效果混合,它也配有一个用于控制干/湿比例的 X-Y Pad。Generate(生成)按钮可随机化插件参数。Lift-off 控制增加了压缩、M/S 处理和 EQ 的预设组合。Ducker/Sync 按钮可在干信号播放时自动躲避湿信号,也可同步工程文件速度得到快速的抽吸效果。此外,该插件的界面还配有黑/白两种主题供用户选择,并且可以调整大小。

Team: BTCR | 26 July 2024 | 46.1 MB

Soak Your Sound In Magic
✱ Add lush and modern FX textures to your vocals, instruments and beyond
✱ Spaced Out unites delay, reverb and modulation into one plugin – hosting more than 50 individual effects under the hood
✱ Intuitive and fast workflow that enables you to instantly create dreamy and otherworldly FX chains

Discover Spaced Out
Delay, reverb and modulation are some of the best ways to add depth and space to a track. These effects can sound great on their own. But when you combine them cleverly, the real magic happens, where the outcome is greater than the sum of its parts.

Spaced Out unites delay, reverb and modulation into a singular “wet-fx powerhouse” with a contemporary and dreamy sound. It hosts more than 50 individual effects under the hood – all designed to compliment each other.

The plugin is controlled via a simple interface that offers endless effect combinations at your fingertips, without any submenus. Clicking the “Dice” button will generate new results in an instant and take your tracks to new places. From there you can tweak the effects to taste.

Use Spaced Out to breathe life into stale mixes and give your productions a touch of magic. Or go even further and explore the outer bounds of wet-FX processing. We’ll see you on the other side!

System Requirements
macOS 10.11 or newer


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