
Vector 35 Binary Ninja 4.1.5747 Personal

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Binary Ninja是一个交互式反汇编器、反编译器和二进制分析平台,Vector 35 为多种架构的反汇编提供第一方支持,包括 x86、x86-64、ARMv7(带有 Thumb2)、ARMv8 (AArch64)、PowerPC、6502、Z80 和 MIps,我们的反编译器输出到 C 和 BNIL,并且可以按需切换。非常适用于在 Windows 上运行的逆向工程师、恶意软件分析师、漏洞研究人员和软件开发人员。

File size: 407.7 MB

Binary Ninja is an interactive disassembler, decompiler, and binary analysis platform for reverse engineers, malware analysts, vulnerability researchers, and software developers that runs on Windows.

Disassemble Files
Vector 35 provides first-party support for dissassembly from multiple architectures, including x86, x86-64, ARMv7 (with Thumb2), ARMv8 (AArch64), PowerPC, 6502, Z80, and MIPS. Additionally, our community supports many other architectures through our public plugin ecosystem. Loaders are available for all major platforms (PE, Mach-O, ELF) and can be extended or customized using our API………….




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