
Denise Audio Noize 2 v1.1

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Denise 的 Noize 是一个与 Jamie Boyle 合作开发的自适应噪声发生器插件。该插件是今年初举办的插件设计大赛的成果。

你曾经希望你的插件想法能够成为现实吗?今年初,denise 团队发起了一个竞赛,邀请制作人提交插件创意。优胜者的构思将开发成一个真正的插件。

获胜者是 Jamie Boyle (JNB),它提交了一个“Noize”插件的构思。他希望在噪声发生器上看到自适应控制,用来跟随输入源形状。受到 Ableton 的 Erosion 插件的启发,Jamie 希望快速的将各种类型的噪声(比如白噪声、分红噪声和棕噪声)添加到他的贝斯和鼓中,而在无需添加额外的包络以及路由的情况下适应他的声音形状。denise 采纳了他的概念并挑战创造一款最佳的自适应噪声发生器插件。我们还对这位斯德哥尔摩的获奖者进行了访问,讨论了他的音乐和插件想法。

Noize 特点

  • 一键实时产生自适应音轨音量的噪声。
  • 能够独立噪声信号,以应用额外的效果,例如 bit crusher(位压缩)和镶边。
  • 通过调节上升和下降时间完全控制噪声包络。
  • 5 噪声类型:白、棕、紫、粉红、蓝。
  • 超低 CPU 占用率。

File size: 11 MB

Noize 2 is an adaptive noise generator plugin. It lets producers add customized textures and interest to their tracks by selecting from and modifying 8 built-in noise types or by uploading their own samples.

Craft Your Cacophony
8 Built-in noise types
‍Noize 2 features 8 different noise types to choose from that you can further shape via low and high-pass filtering.

Load your own samples
‍Add intricate, evolving grittiness to your audio by loading your own sounds and using Noize 2’s sample editor to apply filters, pitch control, play in reverse etc.

Adaptive generation
‍Noize 2 only generates noise when it receives an audio signal and even adapts to the amplitude of your track in real time.

Solo mode
‍Isolate the noise signal for detailed shaping or put Noize 2 on a parallel track to then apply additional effects.

Easy to tweak
Tune your signal-to-noise ratio however you wish by adjusting Noize 2’s Rise and Fall time, widening its Stereo output, and modifying its level in the mix.


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