
Minecraft v1.6.2 CRACKED-P2P

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  《MineCraft》是一款由一个人独立完成的游戏,游戏设计师Markus Persson 从多款游戏获得灵感,其中较为著名的是《地城守护者》,而发想过程中《Infiniminer》也对他起了相当大的影响。但是尽管这款游戏只有一个人开发,却曾创下单日获利26 万欧元(相当于人民币242万元左右)的纪录。   《MineCraft》是一款3D的第一人称沙盘游戏,所呈现的世界并不是华丽的画面与特效,而是注重在游戏性上面。玩家在游戏中做着「建设」与「破坏」两件事,但是透过像乐高一样的积木来组合与拼凑,轻而易举的就能制作出小木屋、城堡甚至城市,但是若再加上玩家的想像力,空中之城、地底都市都一样能够实现。

Minecraft is a sandbox construction game, inspired by Infiniminer, and created by Markus Persson, the founder of Mojang Specifications. The game involves players creating and destroying various types of blocks in a three dimensional environment. The player takes an avatar that can destroy or create blocks, forming fantastic structures, creations and artwork across the various multiplayer servers in multiple game modes.

Minecraft is currently in beta, available to players for €14.95 (~$20). Beta singleplayer and Beta multiplayer, when purchased, can be played in the user’s web browser, or using the downloadable client. Minecraft Classic is available to play for free. Minecraft development started around the 10th of May 2009, pre-orders for the full game started being accepted on the 13th of June 2009.

Release name: Minecraft.v1.6.2.CRACKED-P2P
Size: 60MB
Links: Homepage 

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